One of the Two Kings that Rule the World is about Die…

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I know… I know… what the fuck am I talking about, right?

Here's the gist: Right now, there are two main entities that rules us... Banks and Corporations.


image from imgur.

Well, technically, there are 5 ruling entities:

  1. Banks
  2. Corporations
  3. Gov’t
  4. Religion
  5. Media

In that order...

But the last 3 aren’t as strong as you might think. They are more like weapons, rather than kings. You can certainly stop the last 2, cold turkey.

I will write more about Religion and Media, but for now, let’s stay with the big 3.

Number 3: The Government.

It's pretty strong, sure, but they really just take orders from the 2 main kings (Banks and Corps). Like I said, think of them as a really, really powerful bazooka.

Think of the gov’t as a hired gun. If you don’t follow what the kings say, they will make the gov’t military bust down your door and beat the living hell out of you… you know… legally.

Here are a few transcripts from my previous post:

when Sadam, Gaddafi and Mubarak decided NOT to use the almighty "petro Dollar" in their oil industry anymore, they felt the whole power of the US military screw them over.

That's basically the explanation of our current wars if I were to describe it in one sentence.

And another one:

With Australian banks strangling cryptos, it just took a few companies to threaten to move to other countries for their gov't to bow down.

Crypto Companies made threats to move to UK, and suddenly they lifted the theft... err, I mean taxation... yeah.

The gov’t will do anything banks and corporations tell them to.


But we already know all that :)



Enter cryptocurrencies.

Cryptos, by design, will fundamentally replace the FIAT (debt money) system. It is inevitable.

And debt money is central banks’ main industry.

Another quote from my previous post:

  • Now, like Ford’s mass produced cars, which eventually replaced horse carriages…
  • Or Uber/Lyft eventually replacing taxis…
  • Or Internet replacing long distance calls…
  • Or Amazon replacing brick and mortar bookstores, or most shopping stores nowadays…

Blockchain will replace fiat money.


It is inevitable.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”



The new model is blockchain.

And here’s the kicker: Blockchain will only kill banks, "not" gov’t or corporations.

In fact, blockchain technology will strengthen govs and corps even more.

That’s why you see so many corporations and govs incorporate blockchain into their systems. It will make them more efficient, save them fees and make their foundation stronger.

Big guns like microsoft and google already made public statements about it.

Now you may have heard banks making a consortium/permission based blockchain?

Now that is laughable.

They are in the 3rd stage of death, that’s why.

The banks are going thought the 5 stages of death.

The first stage: Denial.

At first, they shrub it off with “bitcoin is a scam. It’s not real money.”

3 years later, bitcoin worth over 500 USD.

The 2nd stage sets in: Anger.

They funded a mass fear-mongering attacks.

“Bitcoin is used to buy drugs in darknets! Bitcoin is used to fund terror! Blah blah”


2 more years came by, BTC is now worth over 3k USD.

The 3rd stage of death sets in: Bargaining.


”Ok let’s meet in the middle… we will build a consortium/permission-based blockchain tech and you guys stop buying cryptos and come back to us ok??

Yeah right.

It basically means, a consortium of banks will build a blockchain, and everytime you buy, sell, move or use your money, you need to ask “permision” from them.

It’s another stupid centralized fiat system!


It’s basically Fiat wearing a bad blockchain disguise.



Decentralized blockchain, which nobody can control (because nobody owns it) is our key to freedom.

Banks will do all the dirty, shitty stuff to try and stop this. The will use FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) to make people stop buying it.

Some will say, they will manipulate it through segwit.

Hold on. Segwit is a touchy topic so I won’t write about it. You do your own research and decide for yourself.

Moving on.

Lately, JP Morgan CEO went public and displayed all 3 stages of death when he said whined and cried about “bitcoin being a fraud.”

He was displaying the 1st two stages (denial and anger) with that. Meanwhile, in the background, JP Morgan is trying to integrate Ethereum based blockchain into its system--Which is the 3rd stage: bargaining Lol.

Now the 4th stage of death: Depression.

That will be in the form of a economic depression. When banks collapse, and it will, people with assets inside it will suffer. Just like they did in the 2008 crash.

A simplified explanation of the 2008 crash:

Basically, the mortgage loans scam maxed out and crashed.

The next looming crash will involve social security and student loans. They are way maxed out and about to burst.

Which is going to be in 2018.

Look up the last few decades. There’s been a crash every 10 years or so: 1988, 1998, 2008… Look it up. Im not gonna duckduckgo it for you. You need to do it yourself.

Sidenote: Google has been banning a lot of websites the last few years. I get better results from duckduckgo.


I will write more about the upcoming crash in the next post. For now, let’s continue.

After the depression, will finally come: Acceptance.


Rather: Acceptance of death.

Central banks will cease to exist. Just like bookstores that amazon killed. Just like classified ads based newpapers that craigslist killed. Just like horse carriages that Ford killed. Just like the taxi industry that uber/lyft is going to kill.

Maybe a few small nationalized banks will be left. But that is ok, As long as the main scourge (central banks) dies off.

You know why? Because Blockchain is a pandora’s box that the mysterious satoshi gifted to the human race.

We have opened it. Now it will revolutionize the whole world.

I’m talking about true DECENTRALIZED BLOCKCHAIN here.

“Decentralized” entered the consciousness of the human race. Now it can never be taken back.

You’ve seen on groups and forums, people interjecting ”but but but… that’s still centralized!”

People have become good at deciphering between decentralized and centralized systems.


People have become allergic to anything centralized.

And that’s a good thing. Decentralization is our key to freedom. Nobody owns it, nobody can control it… people will be free.



A few loose ends

As for corporations, not all of them are evil. A lot are neutral to good. But for the evil ones, their whole power comes from a single statute (not law, but just a statute)-- "corporate personhood." Which basically states, "A corporation is not a person."

This single loophole is what basically enables them to get away with all the crap that they do. But this is for another thousand word post. Let's take a break for now.

And I did promise to write about 4 and 5 (religion and media). But for now, I think a thousand word post is pretty big. Let’s just call it a day right now and continue with a shorter post tomorrow.

So ahem… to be continued.




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This centralization is international and on a bullet train to disaster. The elites will sit and enjoy the carnage. But, great insight everluck!

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