If You Own Any Crypto - You Should Read This !

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

23 - 26 January, 2018. I think you would definitely want to write this down in your calendar, because it is more important than you think. As you might already have noticed from the photo above, we are going to discuss a bit about the World Economic Forum, which will take place in Switzerland, from 23-26th of January. I am not a conspiracy theorist, rather I am trying to balance my risk-reward accordingly - this is what keeps a trader in the business.

Content of the article

  • What Is The World Economic Forum (WEF)
  • Who Attend WEF
  • Why Should I care / Conlusion

What Is The World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a Swiss nonprofit foundation, based in Geneva, Switzerland. Its mission is cited as

committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.

The Forum is best known for its annual meeting at the end of January in Davos, the meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, economists, and journalists for up to four days to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world.

Who Attends The World Economic Forum

The attendees of the event are very high-profile and "everyone who is anyone in the finance world (and not only) attends". For example, this year the president of the United States - Donald Trump is likely to attend the meeting. Much of the attendee list is kept private until the event, but we are expecting to see

  • Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund chief

In October 2017, Chrisitne Lagarde said

It's time for the world's central banks and regulators to get serious about digital currencies

Although we should acknowledge that she thinks "massive disruptions" are ahead due to blockchain technology.

  • Bankers

A big percentage of the attendees will be bankers or at least in the banking industry. As we all know and have read multiple times - Banksters don't like blockchain and crypto. Of course, this is pretty expected, after all this technology has the power to absolutely change this industry. Traditional finance will be gone and it will be replaced by a better model, a decentralized model.

  • Economists

From Nobel Prize winners to best-selling authors, economists tend to disagree with the Bitcoin model - they don't like it as a store value ( because it is so volatile) and they don't accept is a medium of payment.

  • High-Rank Government Officials

In the 2017 WEF meeting, Xi Jinping was also there, he is the President of the People's Republic of China. As we all know the idea for decentralization is opposing the traditional model and governments certainly don't like it. Private transactions, with almost zero fees, a system that cannot be rigged isn't a comfortable one for the government.


Why Should I Care

So after we have the information, it's time to do some thinking. This is one of the most important events in the world, concerning finance, economics, regulations and how things ought to be in general. The attendees are in high positions in the current system and they wouldn't like to be surprised by the blockchain revolution, I really think that some of them are a bit afraid of the alternative. Many times regulations have tumbled the crypto market - lastly was the South Korea "statement", which was not a statement at all, but that didn't matter to the markets, because Bitcoin was down over 20% at one point. Crypto lost 20% market cap in 2 hours.

You should care, because it is absolutely possible that in this event, crypto regulations will be discussed and most likely a plan will be drafted for their implementation. That might cause a brutal sell-off, I certainly don't want to wake to a 50% correction without taking any precautions.

So, now you have the information and it is your decision what to do with this information. I am not saying that it will happen for sure, but even if it doesn't, the risk reward is to be in a cash position for these three days. Then you can rebuy them, hopefully at higher prices.

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If you liked this article and found it valuable - Upvote, Re-Steem and Follow @ervinneb


Very good article and points. We need to keep a close eye on these top-level bankers and politicians who meet in secret to discuss major things that affect OUR lives ...

Thank you ! I am glad you liked it

flaged u too cheers.You r with banksters if you preach for selling crypto,banksters can do ZERO in these few days,20% down is nothing special in crypto world - and finally,if you use crypto now - you already make step against goverments - so decide who you are...I officially fight goverments

I guess it would have been nice if you actually read the content. Your aggressive approach is kind of making me feel bad - please read content, before you comment.

It is information and people can do with it whatever they want. BEING INFORMED is the important thing here.

P.S. Don't be mad that I flagged your buddy, just stop polluting the community by begging for votes and followers. TRY ACTUALLY TO CONTRIBUTE!

I'm not some favored guy getin' 1K$ every time FROM ASS. Vlog is boring, has no thumbnail, with poor content,
Quality of content is irrevelant.DO SOMETING TO STOP IT.

What do you mean

Content is irrelevant ?

Content is everything. Good luck, man. Just try to give some value, if you want to make $$. Spamming will get you nowhere.

ervinneb said: People are taking loans to invest in *shitcoins * It was right feelin' we have bankster here who want to get 5% per onth go ahead bitch,hypocrite.

Great article, Ervin. Thank you!

I'm glad you liked it, friend ! What do you think about the World Economic Forum summit ?

The best answer was given in 2013: hodl!*


This time it is a lot different. Market cap is 700B. People are taking loans to invest in shitcoins and manias can break economies. I guess this time they all know something have to be done to stop this.

I do understand your concern, but Lehman Brothers had more than $600B debt when it announced bankruptcy. Millions of people lost their jobs, economy got upside down... Governments know well such a big amount of money cause a worldwide crisis if it evaporates. Rather than banning cryptocurrencies, regulating them sounds more likely.

Yes, that's what I am trying to say. Regulations also will hit the market very hard. We will see soon enough.

Excellent heads up on this. I don't think the "regular people" are aware of this organization and how important to your everyday life this organization is. Basically the WORLDWIDE BANKING INDUSTRY is going to put their heads together and find a way to slow down our progress of de-centralized systems.

Personally, I think the toothpaste is out of the tube . . . no way to put it back in. But that's not going to stop them from trying - now is it? Good looking out!

Thank you ! This was the sole purpose of the article, to give information to those, who are not aware of this meeting. I also think that this train cannot be stopped at this point.

You r with banksters...? if you preach for selling crypto,banksters can do ZERO in these few days,20% down is nothing special in crypto world - and finally,if you use crypto now - you already make step against goverments - so decide who you are...I officially fight goverments

I guess it would have been nice if you actually read the content. Your aggressive approach is kind of making me feel bad - please read content, before you comment.

It is information and people can do with it whatever they want. BEING INFORMED is the important thing here.

P.S. Don't be mad that I flagged your buddy, just stop polluting the community by begging for votes and followers. TRY ACTUALLY TO CONTRIBUTE!

Okay.. very interesting and informative article. No problem about 20% however i am eagerly awaiting to know the event what would be going to happen on those days. thank you bro. resteemed.

Thank you :)

Upvoted and resteemed

A great read and also of great concern. I will not sell any crypto for fiat, but am diversified and also hold a few privacy coins. If all else goes down I bet they become attractive.

yes ! Which privacy coins do you prefer ?

Not had any use for them yet so I have a little of several. Monero, zcash, zclassic and verge is in my wallet.

I agree with you bringing this up and sharing this information so a volatile move won't totally catch people off guard, but I wouldn't draw the conclusion or tell other people that they should be in cash. If anything, spreading awareness and telling people not to panic is probably a better thing to do. I know there are a lot of greedy mother fuckers out there in crypto, but there are a lot of people who believe that it is a community and worthwhile movement. The more hodlers continue to hold, the more others become converts. Also, maybe we have to switch coins or move servers around away from the more oppressive governments, but I think we've reached the critical mass to make shutting it down impossible. We've got the support of the most capable among us. The way technology moves the world around today, the bullies can't afford to piss off the nerds anymore.

The other things is people shouldn't have anything they're not willing to lose in crypto anyway. If they're buying shit coins on margin, they deserve whatever comes to them. Nobody doing that is just naive; they're terminally greedy.

So, now you have the information and it is your decision what to do with this information.

I am only offering additional info, as I said you can do whatever you want with it. As a trader I am very interested in optimizing the performance of my investment. I have core-positions (like Steem), which I don't trade, but I also have some capital for trading. It is my job to protect my capital. I am really not in the mood to lose 30-40%, when I have the skill to not lose it.

Thank you for your comment

I gave you some lovin How bout you give me some too?

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