The truth about most FUD in Cryptocurrency

I read this by an experienced trader with the Reddit tag "Ayrflyer". Read it and be wise:

Hello all,

Long time lurker and big believer in crypto's future. I normally sit on the sidelines and observe but the last few days have compelled me to reach out to the community.

Many of you have unfortunately now been exposed to the ugly side of anything that usually has money involved. I have been in the crypto game for just over a year and have been in the stock market game for much, much longer. TA and all that jazz is a decent way to make a buck. But nothing beats catching something like Apple, Amazon, Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. before it makes it to the big leagues. Where we as humans fail to grasp is the psychological aspect that is heavily used to move money from the weak to the strong or in some cases the manipulators.

This week I saw which is obviously not a great situation that HTML is going through absolutely embellished beyond what In my history of watching FUD in the market one of the worst yet also the most VISIBLY OBVIOUS form of bull that gave me a huge laugh. Unfortunately, this affected many who have not been in the game as long and this is why I write this post.

Twitter was afire with some guy named cryptosplash going on a tirade. Which spread a ripple wave of FUD across the community like I was back in High school. Simple due diligence would have showed that this guy was taking a piece of information that was true (internal conflict- which happens with ANY business/idea that has a group of people in it) and using it to his agenda to drop the price so he and others such as karunmaker on twitter and many in this forum. I have many screenshots saved where I was able to get cryptosplash to admit he was part of a pump/dump. Then where he stated major news such as CNN and good morning America were going to investigate (they both don't give a flying two shits whether HTML is a scam or not). It was truly alarming to see good people get mentally off put by some seriously tripped out people.

I am not here to blow lambo moonsmoke up any of your asses. I do not hold the future for HTML. But I try to always do a fair amount of due diligence on anything I put my hard earned money or time into. Is this a transition for doubt. But maybe next time we all collectively can handle whatever investment we choose to put our time and effort into with a little more than judging and going off the handle from reading the title of the book but not reading any of the pages.

Coming full circle. I got another laugh as "cryptosplash claims to have been hacked" Take a look at the comparison of typing style of his tweets to see he types the exact same. That and his IP address never waivers between his "hacker tweets" and his new found address.

I have watched so many coins get attacked by FUD. Sometimes the smoke proves fire. But more often the smoke is merely there to blind you and scare you out of your money.

Hope all is well with everyone and you all prosper. Peace!

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