RE: My DigixDao "Feelings!"
U can't buy Tokens from Goldmoney. Just grams of gold. The Company I started with was called BitGold, and later merged with Goldmoney. The program(s) they use are internal. You don't get to host your own wallet or computer which verifies transactions. This is what I know for face value. Do your own research.
as for not having much money to invest in gold, did you know that you can easily hold 20K USD worth of gold in one hand? Do you know how easy that is to hide? Since possession is 9/10ths of the law, why would you buy gold stored in a vault? For me, doing so with a small amount is good, because it allows for easy international transactionis and if SHTF, I might still have a bank that is still in business, that can accept things like cryptos, physical, etc.... for easy payments. For me its just an avenue of interest, but never a first choice. Now if you wanted to store 100K worth of gold, then yes you'd probably best open an account for vaulted gold, that can transfer its value globally.... Goldmoney even has a Mastercard. DixiDao has there own payment card too.
Goldmoney has a vault in Singapore too. Check out both services and independently verify which service might work for you best. I really can't compare the two with much justice.