RocketShoes: The IPFS for Education (EDJ Podcast Episode #10)

In today’s episode of EDJ Podcast, we interview Kieran Nolan and Matt Riddle about their project, Rocketshoes. RocketShoes creates a dynamic collection of smart systems that allow for an open educational content platform that can support the decentralized web and provide key features like assignment submission, discoverability, and interoperability at an API level.

Kieran Nolan is an educational technologist at Woorana Park Primary School. "Under Kieran’s leadership, Wooranna Park Primary School (WPPS) has established itself as an exemplar in introducing the digital world to students. The school has led the way in establishing a ‘24/7 International Virtual Learning Environment’ in Minecraft, Victoria’s first CoderDojo, Australia’s first Immersive Education Club (iED Club), the World’s youngest Cisco class, and the very first ‘School on the Blockchain’" - edutech.NET.AU

Kieran’s current projects:

Rocketshoes: IPFS for Education

Knowledger: Learning Incentivized Income

STEaM Centre: Open-Source Learning Space

Kieran’s Bio:

Matt Riddle is the Director of Educational Innovation at La Trobe University and he is currently studying for his PhD in Mobile Learning at the University of Melbourne. Matt has over two decades of experience in leading digital innovation, transformation and strategy, with a focus on learning environments and mobility. Matt was a key member of the team to establish La Trobe Online. Prior to joining La Trobe he was a Research Associate at the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies at the University of Cambridge.

Matt’s current projects:

Rocketshoes: IPFS for Education

Relevant Links:


RocketShoes NEM Vote

RocketShoes Telegram

RocketShoes Intro Video

RocketShoes Twitter


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