More good news about Lumens
Just on CNN; Transcipt of interview with Ade Ayeyemi, CEO of Ecobank on CNN Marketplace Africa:
Ecobank (one of Stellars Partners in Africa) has agreements in place with 35 African countries that allows people to open accts directly online („Express Acct“), no need to enter a bank
Express Accts costs Banks less then 5% of what it costs to open traditional accts
Want to make it as easy to bank as it is to use WhatsApp
Sees huge potential: last 5 months Ecobank 500k downloads, will likely grow to 200k downloads/mo soon
Ecobank believes that it will eventually scale to 100 million user (10% of population) within 5 years
Are in talks with Microsoft, Mastercard, Visa
In the future, people in Africa will have more than one bank acct and interact with it mostly at point of purchase
Stellar is providing Ecobank (through Parkway) with the underlying technology for services like micropayments, healthcare, education and energy:
Sorry for the bad video quality