Sometimes it's just luck
Hi Steemit.
Sometimes in investing it's just pure luck. This is one example. One day my friend talked to me and told me he bought Monacoin and made 50x gain. I asked him what is Monacoin? He said I don't know, it's just recently popular in Japan so it went up. Ok so if it's loved by Japanese it would be up a lot? Yes pretty much. It has a cute cat logo by the way.
Ok I will now find a coin that is Japanese and will invest in it too. So i found this sumokoin. It sounds very Japanese so i decided to invest in it
It was around 80 cents at the time i bought it. And after about 2 weeks it went up to as high as over $10
I am not really sure why it went up, and it's still much higher than the time i bought it for. Sumokoin is a fork of Monero and it has similar and improved function than Monero.
Well its a private coin so those should see lots of growth with all this tax talk in crypto
thank you bitcoinman, yes it supposed to be more private than Monero. Might be launched at the right time when privacy is needed
Wow..thats really pure luck...and I will now analyze the japan crypto market deeply to get lucky like this.
I am hearing about sumokoin for the first time from you and I will have to do some more research about sumokoin and after that I can give my feedback.
Thank you...steem on and stay blissful...
@djohan, Yep.....Japan has huge market for cryptocurrecy. They have some interest to some coins definitely gaining any coins.
This time I accept your opinion of Monacoin and Sumocoin.. Maybe in future will be awesome both coins with their gaining.
thank you madushanka. Yes Japan is very huge for any coin, they really adopt new technology very well
Hahaha you're very luck @djohon
I will try this. I will try from China.
thank you darksea. It's already up, so i think better find another coin
I love Mona's website and coin design. Very slick.
I love cats also. Doge is original of it's kind, and I also like Mona's Litecoin 84 million supply. Very limited, and it's a fun coin to hold :)
thank you kevbot, so i guess the logo and designs also matters a lot for a coin. I never thought about that, but seems you are right
the logo and design caught my attention first because I couldn't understand the Japanese text. I have studied Japanese 1, but my memory of it has fleated. The design is so beautiful. I rarely say that for any coin. The dark , Japanese walkway with sundown in the back with a cat coin. It's awesome.
Oh yes, the Sumokoin is a very interesting coin and the fact that it's Monero, one of the most respectable crypto-currencies well known for security, confidentiality, lack of payment tracking and active development, makes the Sumokoin even more attractive. Sumokoin is one of the few rare crypto currency with true interchangeability. This feature makes the digital currency similar to physical cash, that is, no other people can find where the money comes from and how much it was transferred. So I think your investment was very successful! Thank you @djohan
thank you serkagan, yes i think it has a lot of good features especially the privacy
Wow...Sumo worth over $7. Amazing... I've never heard Sumo before but already heard Mona. Its best currency in this platform.
Thanks for analyzed both coins.
thank you dragonking.I think sumo has better features than mona, but mona has a advantage of being exchangable to Japanese Yen which make it easy to buy and Japan is huge market. Plus the cute cat. But i would prefer Sumo as it is still new and have more room for growth
Congratulations @djohan
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thank you minnowspower
Japan is fully crazy with crypto :D I didn't aware about Sumo until i read your article! Hope it will give a drop to enter to the market! Excellent update friend!
hi theguruasia, sumo is still very new, and because it sounds Japanese it might be listed on Japanese exchange, who knows, and it will be up a lot. As for now it's in small exchange cryptopia. So i put a little for long term hold as high risk/reward