Bitdice Quarterly Dividend
Hi Steemit,
If you own some Bitdice token (CSNO), you will receive dividend in your Ethereum wallet where you held the Tokens since December.
This is announcement from their twitter
Their net profit is USD 1 048 308 or USD 0,01513
The dividend received is around 4.5% of the total invested. Not bad as this is quarterly profit and it's their first.
And the investors seem to agree if we look at what happen to their Token price today
That's awesome thanks a lot for sharing, I am going to look into that one.
thank you bitcoinman, now there are a few new competitors in this space, at least this one has started business and delivered its promise of giving dividends
Im sure there is plenty of room, and they are delivering so that is a great indicator, I seen project with no devs making moves so this should be great. Did some research I will be getting either wagerr or this one maybe a bit of both
I think the future of running a business will be like this...own a crypto...get a dividend on quarterly basis.
Thank you.
hi crypto-wisdom, yes this crypto is a business running on the Ethereum blockchain. The ethereum will also benefit as the dividend is paid with Ether, so demand rises and price will rise too.
Dividends :O Wow they pay their dividends that's a kind of share market type business isn't it? Nice update friend!
hi theguruasia, yes it's a business using blockchain on Ethereum . I think it will be the future of running businesses
i love dividends! so you recommend this long term?
i joined the ICO last year. Now there are many competitions from newer casinos like funfair. But Bitdice has been running for few years before they launched ICO, some other new ones still don't have a product yet. Hard to say about recommendation :) . All we know is the current price and the dividend we get today, some people might think it's good , some think it's not high enough return
I see. ICOs are always interesting to keep watch of. I am holding a few, but everyone is on a different boat :). Hope your casino pick goes well!
Wow that very good but I think this otherwise a way to make their coin lucrative in the open market.
Thank you @djohan and Have a great day.
hi shivohum2015, the dividend was written on their whitepaper, so they have to deliver, and it will be every 3 months
Wow interesting!! I'll check it out!!
hi spikykevin, there are other cryptocasinos but this one is already running and paying dividends, other ones might be better but still speculative as most are still under development
Good news for the holders of Bitdice tokens !
Yes the return isn't too bad considering it is the first dividend . Would be better next time
well i think i need to daily read your post's first to get all the updates about crypto you post some amazing content daily :)
thank you steemphotography, there are so many exciting projects coming out in ICOs, and also some unknown coins with great potential.
is this just like the smartcash token which pay dividend on regular basis dear
hi brainceo, this is a cryptocurrency casino with quarterly dividends for all token holders
so next time also they are going to do this if i buy
every 3 months they will pay dividends to the token holders. This one was the profit from October to end of December 2017. So next one will be January to end of March profit, and the dividend will be April