It's Expensive To Be A Bitcoin Maximalist, as Tone Vays discovered recently. Tone Vays doesn't want $1,000??

Fellow Steemians,

Breaking News :: Common Sense is now an Endangered Species, Stupidity has taken over the world and unfortunately there is...

No Known Cure.

Tone Vays , A lead Technical Analyst at World Crypto Network has not accepted $1000 i.e
Σ 50,000 SMARTS donation sent to him yet, because he thinks, Altcoin(s) are a scam ? He accepts Litecoin, he is going to accept Monero soon, but he does not accept altcoins because they are a scam.
Is this guy's moral compass running on "Solar", because it never seems to work after dark.
Tone Vays's Tweet:

Should money be moral ?

In for a penny in for a pound ? I've never heard anyone saying they won't take US Dollars because they think the FED or the US govt. is immoral, just like I've never heard anyone saying they won't take Russian rubbles or Chinese Reminbi because those governments and their currency issuing central bank represents a totalitarian regime.

In the heat of the moment, I am not sure how much you all are updated with the recent activities that has happened this week. So I am going to let the cat out of the bag for you all and is bringing you best from both the worlds a.k.a Bitcoin Community and Altcoin Community, though by the end of the day we are all same and our end goal is to liberate the world and decentralize everything, which makes me wonder where is this difference coming from ?

Remember the golden rule by The East India Company established under British Empire to rule the world back in 1600's ?
It says, "Divide & Rule".
Do we really want this to happen to us ? (food for thought)


Tone Vays , is virtue signalling as he earlier tweeted that he needs money and is open for accepting donations in Altcoin(s). Tone Vays is a Bitcoin Maximalist, an altcoin hater, detractor and he was very strict about his tipping policy for long time, he refused to accept any altcoin tips until Bitcoin transactions became too expensive and he started accepting Litecoin which he has previously called a scam. Now, he's entertaining and accepting Monero to cut corners but that's about it.

It all began on Twitter when on Jun 5, 2017 Tone Vays Tweeted:
" If I start accepting #Litecoin $LTC donations (as people keep asking) & promise to hold into next yr (maybe #Monero $XMR as well) am I:"

Pasted image at 2017_09_20 01_06 PM.png
Tweet :

He mentioned in his tweet though he will start accepting #Litecoin becuase people keep asking, however the reality is opposite of what he says. It is because Bitcoin transactions became too expensive and thus he started accepting Litecoin.

The important take away here is he did receive a large amount of donation and he's not claiming it for nonsensical reasons.

Let me bring your attention to something which should not go unnoticed here.
Call it a Blessing in disguise or what not but it turned to be that every cloud has a silver lining, that's what the below tweet tells me.



And at the drop of a hat, Tone Vays received a donation worth $1000 i.e Σ 50,000 SMARTS via SmartCash Tipbot @ Twitter.

Tweet :

Why wont Tone Vays accept the donation?

Personally I have no idea about that .For all I know, he keeps saying that Altcoin(s) are a scam. Tone Vays is portraying this as if somebody is asking him to Fart loudly in the public, yell " Jet Speed" and then to start walking faster.
Tone Vays's Tweet :

Divide & Rule

"Ruling" a decentralized world is a quite strong and powerful statement to make and yes quite controversial too and that is why I am going to refrain myself from going there at the moment however I ask you all who are still reading this, do I need to show you anything else that to prove that Tone Vays has no clear sense of what he talks about most of the time and his ability to see through things clearly is clouded by his blinded arrogance ? Yet, his tens of thousands of followers appraise him and support his idea of community division between Bitcoin and Altcoin, wherein reality the truth is that together we both stand at a
$ 130 billion+ evaluation, and not alone.

Why is this important ?

People such as Tone Vays are smart (not) to understand that no one should put all of their eggs in one basket. But it's unfortunate that they apply their own personal agenda to the process of decentralization, to an extent that they divide the community for their personal gains and label others as scam.
This matters because he needs to wake himself up and stop being a hypocrite, not promote division, instead should have the capability to see through clearly and appraise The Power Of Unity.

Is Tone Vays a person who cherishes or pursues high or noble principles, purposes, goals, etc. or is he simply virtue signalling ?

What do you think ?

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Bahahahaha! Is he on steemit as well? I'm guessing no!

He did a big anti-STEEM thing a while ago. Not sure why anyone would think this guy has a clue about crypto. Or anything at all, really.

Tone Vays has took his idealism too far ?

ToneVays Tone Vays [#NO2X] tweeted @ 20 Sep 2017 - 13:22 UTC

@JuicyGrabs @scashofficial not sure what that means, i only accept donation in bitcoin and litecoin

JuicyGrabs JuicyG tweeted @ 20 Sep 2017 - 08:53 UTC

@ToneVays Where can I find your altcoin donation addresses? I'm interested in making a donation.

ToneVays Tone Vays [#NO2X] tweeted @ 20 Sep 2017 - 13:54 UTC

@JuicyGrabs @scashofficial yes but that was simple, once Monero gets it shit together and gives me a user friendly wallet i'll add them too.

ToneVays Tone Vays [#NO2X] tweeted @ 05 Jun 2017 - 14:40 UTC

If I start accepting #Litecoin $LTC donations (as people keep asking) & promise to hold into next yr (maybe #Monero $XMR as well) am I:

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

On the one hand, I think Tone is decided that just about everything is a scam or not good enough. On the other, there is a big difference between a pure currency and token/currency tied to a particular service.

I can understand if Tone doesn't want to people to think he'll get a wallet for and accept just about any crypto token or stock as payement/donation. That would be highly unpractical for him and also bring quite a bit of added risk.

he is stupid.
if i ask the smartcash, will he give it? :v

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