- How this Freelancing Platform Impressed Me Enough to Write this Article for FREE.99 (means Free) (meaning I'm not being paid to do this..but I did it anyway)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

This post is a public announcement for those of you that are currently freelancing and have never heard of Moneo. If you fall into this category, you need to boogie your keyboard on down to their website and sign up today. This is a freelancing website that pays you in crypto, I'm talking BTC baby baby. So if you are constantly finding yourself taking your freelancing earnings and buying crypto….this can save you the hassle and help to further the decentralized economy.

Now, before I go any further, let me say this; I am not getting paid by Moneo for this post (although it would be nice) and other than having just gotten my first gig last week, I have no affiliation with them. Also, if you are with Moneo and you find this article to your liking….please press the upvote and share so I can get some sweet Satoshis poured uponst mine wallet…Gracias….now that my disclaimer is out of the way, let me explain why I think this is awesome for all.

Tropic Thunder - Crypto Style
Like many Bitcoinologist of the day, I reside in beautiful Puerto Rico. Here, I enjoy a freelancing life writing about my favorite topic in the world (can you guess?) crypto. As you can see from the link in my bio, I also have a sweet Upwork profile with a 100% customer satisfaction. Im talking Top-rated USDA beef baby. Despite this accomplishment, I still find myself looking to go 100% strait crypto. In comes Moneo.

Moneo …..Interesting
I first learned of Moneo when I was writing about the ICO for client of mine that runs an ICO and news-based website. This is one of the best things about being a crypto writer, you get access to new information everyday and after reading and then writing about the platform, I decided to sign up.

Uhhh….Is This Thing On?
After I signed up I was pretty excited about the idea of getting paid directly in crypto. I was already envisioning a world where Satoshi's ran free like wild ox in the great plains of time before but before any of that could happen, I needed to do the normal profile jazz and such.

I didn't hear anything from the platform for over a month and to be honest, I totally forgot I was even signed up on that bad boy. Well, last week, I got hit up by a client who was looking to find a "magnificent" (my words, not his) writer for his Lightning Network blog. Let me stop here to say…I am a huge fan of the Lightning Network development team and If I wasn't such a HODLer I would definitely set up a node. Needless to say, I was hype about the gig.

Get My Blog On
Now that I am completing my first gig, I'm now looking to hear those honey-soaked Satoshis hit my wallet. What I found very interesting was the relatively still small number of users on this platform. Being that it is so new it could be a good opportunity for some of you Steemers to get in on the crypto fun. Just do me a favor and recommend ol' DavidtheWriter when you get a chance.

Upwork Vs. Moneo
This is kind of a hard comparison but I will do my best to give it a go. First, it must be said that Upwork is huge and this comparison is really a huge compliment to Moneo in that they can even hold some ground against this billion-dollar freelancing firm. Soooo lets get it on…

Upwork and Moneo both offer really clean interfaces that make it easy to search for gigs. Moneo has a new feature that also allows freelancers to post gigs. You can put something like "350-word article about your company" and give it a price. I thought this was a helpful feature and so, I just spent the 10 minutes before writing this, putting up some of my own gigs. (Don't hate…Congratulate)

While many people have complained about Upwork's ranking profile, My profile is at 100% (did i mention this already?), so I am not one of those people. I also haven't received any feedback from my first client yet on Moneo, so I should probably just quit talking about this section and move on. I will have to come back and fill this part in later folks.

Upwork really sucks for privacy. They pay you in fiat, so you already know that means your ass is getting sold-out quicker than ASIC graphics cards. Moneo has been ok so far. They do have some forms of ID verification but to-date I have only had to register my phone number. I hope Moneo is able to respect the decentralized economy by protecting their users privacy as their platform continues to grow.

Moneo doesn't have anywhere near the volume of jobs that Upwork has, but on the flipside, they also don't have anywhere near the competition. All of the people on Moneo are high-level crypto heads that need you to make it rain some serious Satoshi's before they do their magic blockchain dance.

I'm Rooting for Moneo….Duh
I am definitely rooting for Moneo, or any crypto only freelancing platform. What an awesome concept and I am proud to be one of the freelancers in on the early stages of this thing. I can see this platform becoming a huge player in the freelancing game over the coming years, especially when George Wa$hington decides to tank. Long Live crypto! Log Live crypto!

What do you think Sgt. Steamy Mitts….Am I jumping the gun, or should freelancers be as excited as I am….Let me know in the comments below.


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