29 Cryptocurrency YouTube Channels That I Watch
I've been asked to share which Cryptocurrency YouTubers I watch. So I've put together a list of along with a poll for you to share your thoughts. Here is the list of my 29 favorite crypto YouTubers. Don't forget to share your opinion and answer the poll.
1. Andreas Antonopoulos
Host: https://twitter.com/aantonop
Channel activity began circa: 2015
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJWCJCWOxBYSi5DhCieLOLQ
2. Crypto Bobby
Host: https://twitter.com/crypto_bobby
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_oM56Ui0BCCgi0Yc-Wh3Q
3. Cryptobud
Host: https://twitter.com/CryptoLeung
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAEktd4wejD_N4aPyDPD3zw/videos
4. Ameer Rosic
Host: https://twitter.com/Ameerrosic
Channel activity began circa: 2016
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/AmeerRosic/videos
5. DataDash
Host: https://twitter.com/Nicholas_Merten
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCatR7nWbYrkVXdxXb4cGXw/videos
6. Doug Polk Crypto
Host: https://twitter.com/DougPolkPoker
Channel activity began circa: 2018
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sS8q8E5ayyghbhiPon4uw/videos
7. Ivan on Tech
Host: https://twitter.com/ivanontech
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/LiljeqvistIvan/videos
8. Coin Mastery
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://twitter.com/carterthomas
9. Crypto Love
Host: https://twitter.com/_CryptoLove_
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu7Sre5A1NMV8J3s2FhluCw/videos
10. Boxmining
Host: https://twitter.com/boxmining
Channel activity began circa: 2016
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxODjeUwZHk3p-7TU-IsDOA/videos
11. Crypto Tips
Host: Crypto Tips
Channel activity began circa: 2016
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCavTvSwEoRABvnPtLg0e6LQ/videos
12. Jackson Palmer
Host: https://twitter.com/ummjackson
Channel activity began circa: 2013
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/jacksonpalmerbc/videos
13. Altcoin Buzz
Host: https://twitter.com/altcoinbuzzio/
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGyqEtcGQQtXyUwvcy7Gmyg/videos
14. The Crypto Lark
Host: https://twitter.com/TheCryptoLark
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/larksongbird01/videos
15. Crypto Investor
Host: https://twitter.com/Truth_Investor
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTKyJALgd09WxZBuWVbZzXQ/videos
16. The Modern Investor
Host: https://twitter.com/moderninvest
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-5HLi3buMzdxjdTdic3Aig/videos
Host: https://twitter.com/BTCKYLE
Channel activity began circa: 2016
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/kholzrpi/videos
18. CryptoCandor
Host: https://twitter.com/cryptocandor
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrNytueyuavn5mVVt89epDA/videos
19. Young And Investing
Host: https://twitter.com/QuintenFrancois
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCczMw5XzxxVks7sNaC-QxwQ/videos
20. Cedric Dahl
Host: https://twitter.com/cedricmakes
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/inspiredeye/videos
21. Crypt0
Host: https://twitter.com/crypt0snews
Channel activity began circa: 2016
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/obham001/videos
22. Crypto Coin News
Host: https://twitter.com/cryptocoinnewz
Channel activity began circa: 2018
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkpt3vvZ0Y0wvTX2L-lkxsg/videos
23. Cryptosomniac
Host: https://twitter.com/cryptosomniac
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRQkQ8YlIY2LlTWGjdo1Opw/videos
24. Node Investor
Host: https://twitter.com/NodeInvestor
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa81HAp1se359Sr5qEMMP7A/videos
25. CryptosRUs
Host: https://twitter.com/CryptosR_Us
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI7M65p3A-D3P4v5qW8POxQ/videos
26. Vincent Briatore
Host: https://twitter.com/vincentbriatore
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4Z_s2SngU_f4HpIz1o4mw/videos
27. sunny decree
Host: https://twitter.com/sunnydecree
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/d3cr33/videos
28. Kenn Bosak
Host: https://twitter.com/kennethbosak
Channel activity began circa: 2016
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrKennbosak/videos
29. Decentralized TV
Host: https://twitter.com/decentralizedtv/
Channel activity began circa: 2017
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCueLJ4vLHTwMpYILmdBjRlg/videos
Answer the Crypto YouTube Poll
What do you think of these crypto YouTube channels? Don't forget to share your thoughts by clicking this link and answering the poll.
Hi David, I really enjoy your videos. I saw your YouTuber list and would like to be considered as an add on. I have focused more on the STEEM blockchain than YouTube since I'm not monetized for the crypto channel unfortunately.
I have been in crypto since 2013 and have a BS in Computer Information Systems and come from a technical background like yourself. Here is a solid video I did about EOS. Thanks for your time!
Glad to have found your channel - include your twitter and steemit address in the description of your youtube videos!
Forgot the Best Crypto Podcast, "Thriller Podcast" Buy Bitcoin Save the FKN World!!! https://soundcloud.com/user-943750262
Too much content to go through but thanks a ton ..
Really cool list :) I'm trying to do some videos too but I'm really only at the very beginnings ;) Good luck!
Good list but u left out some really good Crypto Channels like Ready Set Crypto and Suppoman Udemy
Suppoman if highly unethical with a very shady past: h
I only started watching Andreas Antonopoulos a few weeks ago and regret not looking at his interviews and conferences earlier. What a great mind, listening to people like him makes me realise how little I know.
How have you not mentioned Crypto Daily and Nuggets News? First is one of the best 'light hearted' commentary on crypto and the second is quality advice from a fellow Aussie.
Big thanks @davidhay! The team has also given you shout-outs on some broadcasts. Appreciate all the solid work you are doing. We are all going to increase together in 2018!
Doug Polk is my homeboy!
Good list! It's nice to see that my top ones (you included) are on there. Of course I can't watch 30 different ones but I regularly watch (subscribed to) you, Doug Polk - best entertainment and Boxmining. One not on your list which I think should be included there is chris coney (the cryptoverse), what do you think of him @davidhay?
A couple of the others I have watched as well including Crypto love and Altcoin buzz, some good information in those but I mainly stick with the earlier four I mentioned.
No Trevon or cryptonick? :O , Tai Lopez?
I'm looking for them

Thanks for the post, my homework just got bigger,lol.