Why I'm Still Pulling For POW (And Giving You A Bonus)

Let's have a little fun on this fine weekend...

In the past couple months, my firm, Metacoin, has launched a PR/Marketing service line. It's going quite well - we help crypto-related businesses with things like building campaigns, customer service (which involves Facebook or Telegram groups, or BitcoinTalk), and message development.

That last one is really important: cryptos need a narrative, and they need to control that narrative, and it's vital to get out in front of it.

Narrative R Us

In this post, we'll talk about one that we're working with (and we disclose that below), and we'll specifically talk about the narrative that they're building - and how we're helping with that narrative.

NOTE We believe you need to take everything with a grain of salt in this crypto world. So our blog post is just a blog post - not advice, and you need to do your own research - "DYOR" as they say - and keep moving the ball forward as best as you know how.

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Meet POW - the "World's Largest Airdrop"

POW launched in October of 2017 and is giving almost all of it away, saving about 6% for the founders.

So here's our REFERRAL LINK and, since it's a free giveaway, this shouldn't be considered spammy - we get a bonus, sure, but it's free.

Why We Love POW

One reason that I keep coming back to: POW has the chance to, in no small way, level the playing field for people in struggling economies. You need a Facebook or Twitter account - that's it - and you can get your hands on some.

I'm imagining people in Venezuela taking advantage of this opportunity: right now, the going rate is 13,630 POW.
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When you look at the screenshot from this morning, you might think "that's only 39 cents." Which is true - if you use the going rate in US dollars from a coin that is thinly traded right now. BUT that does not factor in the emerging economy in this particular coin...

We started working with the team unofficially as "validators" shortly after their launch - what we did then was prove that folks who got into the system weren't bots. What we saw? Scores of signups from places like Vietnam.

Vietnamese people have been using POW for months now - sending it back and forth between each other via the website, and it's been cool to watch.

We see no reason why places like Venezuela couldn't have the same thing happen.

The team is in the final throes of creating a "bridge" - a system so that the coins originally claimed with a Facebook or Twitter account can be sent to an ERC20 wallet - such as MyEtherWallet.

If you are in Venezuela, or know someone in Venezuela, let them know about POW. Please.

My Own Personal Giveaway

Uh oh...I'm charting into territory I haven't charted into yet. Here's what's up:

IF you have yet to claim your POW - doesn't matter if you're in Venezuela, or Vietnam, or Virginia - AND you use the free REFERRAL LINK to do so, I'll bump your holdings up by an additional 5,000 POW. That's right, I hand you a bonus.


This is from my own personal holdings, and is only for the next 200 people to claim. Sorry, if you already have POW, you can't take advantage of this bonus.

No cash value. I reserve the right to stop this offer at any time.

We may need to become "Facebook friends" once you have accepted your tokens - that is to facilitate my sending the 5000 to you.


That might not sound like too too much right now...but, as I said above, think about what happens in economies where the capital controls means inflation is out of control. You'll want something that isn't denominated in the local currency.

You may want - scratch that...NEED - some POW.

Get claiming!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 62258.82
ETH 2427.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.58