The competition for the title of "better money" Part 1

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin & DASH - the raptors are loose!

The biotope of the primordial currency soup is full of life: over 1.500 altcoins scurry around. Monetary experiments can be observed, almost under laboratory conditions, as currencies come and go. Many so called "Shitcoins" become fossils or the fertilizers for the surviving species. The pressure of selection leads to new, ever better digital "money" that embraces better ideas and characteristics from competitors to serve just one goal: to become the winner in the fight for "good money". The genie is out of the bottle, this process is irreversible, like pushing toothpaste out of a tube. It's like an "inverted" Jurassic-Park script: while in the real world the dinosaur currencies are still chewing their leaves complacently, new, nimble, intelligent and very adaptable currency- creatures have escaped from the laboratory, beginning to conquer the outside world.

This is not a movie - nor fiction: THIS is exciting reality!


The audience is amazed at how quickly these creatures are growing with unexpected price rises and rising market capitalization. Along with every sawtooth-like slowdown in growth someone screams "attention - now the bubble is about to burst!" The loudest among those are the central banks - and banksters of those very countries that either see their shrink-money-business model swimming away or those who have ruined the money itself. They try to prevent the flight of capital with exchange controls and restrictions at their borders. But with crypto currencies you can pass customs "naked" and still take unlimited amounts of money with you. Central banks (such as the ECB, the PBC, the FED, etc.) print oceans of money - as if there would be no tomorrow any more. Ironically they warn of "evil speculators" whom they themselves generously supply with their "money bazooka". But what's gonna burst first: state money or cryptos?

As long as money flows in from outside, as long as the state can not force the "toothpaste back into the tube”, there is no reason why the crypto currencies must not continue to grow . After all, DASH and BTC are limited but the torrents of state money are not! Another limit for the development of value is competition: nobody knows today who will run in as winner or who will fall behind.
This depends as with every evolution - on the selection pressure and the respective money characteristics.

"What is now urgently required is not the construction of a new system but the prompt removal of all the legal obstacles which have for two thousand years blocked the way for an evolution which is bound to throw up beneficial results which we cannot now foresee."
F. A. von Hayek

To Part 2 - The sensual charm of Bitcoin, DASH & CO
To Part 3 - How the suicide of the state monetary system fuels cryptocurrencies


Well said and said well. I'm looking forward to Parts 2 and 3. Cheers

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