Verge and Pornhub Partnership - My Review and Price Prediction for Verge

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

It's now been over 24 hours now since the official announcement of a partnership between Verge (XVG) and Pornhub.

Initial reaction was the inevitable retrace in price that was going to happen no matter what they announced, there was also excitement and also FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt).

The FUD was no doubt generated by some of those disappointed investors, given the nature of the company they are partnering with and the obvious stigma attached to the Porn Industry.

I can understand the frustration for those that were hoping for Amazon, Ebay, Paypal or the like given how much hype the pending announcement generated, but truth be told PornHub is a much more appropriate partnership for a Privacy Coin like Verge.

It just makes total sense for a Privacy coin to partner with the worlds biggest online Porn site given a large percentage of their premium content subscribers would not want Porn services coming up on their credit card statement each month.
These are the sort of reasons Privacy coins exist and Verge will actively be used in the real world for what it was designed to do.

Verge will now be a valid payment option for the 28.5 billion visitors that go to the Pornhub site each year.
Yes, a detractor here is visitors can view content on Pornhub for free but it's worth taking into consideration only a small percantage of those visitors need to purchase and use Verge, for this partnership to be very successful for Verge holders.
Also, the premium content pricing is charged monthly and is a similar price to Netflix so not an expensive option. (costs approx $10 per month)
Pornhub & Verge will be banking on this option being even more enticing to subscribers given the guaranteed purchasing Privacy that is now on offer.

Even those that do not take up the option of buying Verge to use on the site are now being exposed to the Verge branding and with that amount of online traffic, Verge will get mass exposure if nothing else.

What this Partnership also does is further prove Verge's concept and demonstrates the active real world Privacy solution it provides.
As it stands more than %90 of the Alt Coins out there have not proved their concept actually works and are just selling on speculation alone.
Verge however, now has a very strong resume' and the credibility to secure more lucrative partnerships down the road.

Making predictions on anything in Crypto can make you look silly but never the less here is what I think we will see from Verge for the rest of the year.

Firstly, I strongly believe Verge can only go from strength to strength from here on out which means their value is only going to increase over time.

Will it be a top 3 coin like Justin Sunerok predicted?
Maybe, it sure is a chance to but I don't think so, not in 2018 at least.

Personally I am thinking top 10 for Verge by the end of the year.
Bitcoin & Ethereum will not be leaving the Top 2 any time soon.
Given the work and constant partnerships Ripple is making I don't think Verge will catch them either.
Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin will still be thereabouts and Neo will also be stalking that bunch soon.
Top 5 is not out of the question given the roll on affect this partnership could have, but I don't think that will be this year.

Verge's current Total Market Cap is $929 million USD. To move into 6th spot right now Verge would need just over $7.2 billion.
I think Verge can reach that $7-8 billion USD mark easily by the end of 2018 on the back of this news.
A nice big Bullish period on Crypto would see those Market Caps rise significantly higher not just for Verge.

As it stands an $8 billion Market Cap for Verge would have their price reach approximately 50c USD.
That's the minimum price I will go out on a limb and predict.
If the Total Market Cap grows past $800 billion for Crypto like Christmas/New Years period of last year then Verge could be pushing the $1 mark by the end of the year.

Don't be surprised to see "Verge will moon to a dollar" or the like, you tube hype videos to start popping up over coming months but 50c to say 60c tops I think is a more fair dinkum expectation for 2018.

So to wrap this up before it gets too long, I will reiterate how thrilled I am with Justin Sunerok and his Verge team right now and congratulations on a wonderful partnership.

This is going to be the start of a hugely profitable journey for Verge and one I look forward to riding with them.

Thanks for Reading

Keep Chasing that Dragon

  • Dahmsy79

Does that mean Verge is now a coin for wankers?

lol well yes, yes it is

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