Top 10 Cryptos of the Future (Aug 19th, 2017) - A weekly ranking of the best place to put your money in the CryptospheresteemCreated with Sketch.


#1. SWARM CITY is still on top of my list this week. Connecting buyers and sellers in the most efficient means necessary and enabling commerce between them is an excellent example of the amazing potential of blockchain technology to transform our world. Swarm City is building that online ecosystem to enable this economic leap forward where buyers and sellers can freely transact without centralized interference. Last week it was announced about the new Chasyr ride sharing app that will be challenging the dominance of UBER in a market that is growing very rapidly. I'm very excited for the potential this team has for shaping the future of commerce and I strongly believe SWT will see 100x to 1000x gains from these current levels!! If you don't own anything else, at least buy some SWT. Even if it is just $100 or $500, get'em and hold'em folks because this could easily get into the billions of market cap!


#2. STEEM is still incredibly undervalued here. The users of this platform can see that the future of social media needs a dose of social justice and accountability that only blockchain technology can provide. No one likes a bully, whether that bully is on a playground in school, or the CEO of one of the largest companies (monopoly) in the world. Society doesn't always act fairly for everyone all the time, but with distributed power, comes a sense of fairness and justice that allow us to advance together. This community and movement will only continue to grow. Right now, STEEM is incredibly undervalued in my opinion. This platform is experiencing phenomenal growth and will most definitely be heading to a valuation in the billions soon. Crossing over 300,000 users this platform should really start to grow exponentially. A lot of people will soon start to see the value in this platform and get on board. This is an excellent investment at these levels!


#3. LIBRARY CREDITS is positioning themselves to be the "Netflix of Cryptos". Their vision is to use the blockchain to remove the middlemen from artistic content distribution. Imagine unlimited music, movies, and other multimedia available at the click of a mouse without any centralized controlling corporation (monopoly) to censor, tax, extract fees, or force their advertisements down your throat. LBRY will connect artists directly with their customers offering unlimited flexibility in distribution which should benefit both creators of original content and their audience. This company has a long ways to go to get mainstream adoption, but if they are successful, it could add a couple zeroes to the end of their valuation. Every time this coin dips, just buy it and wait to cash the check!


#4. PATIENTORY is yet another unique application of blockchain to a field that desperately needs an overhaul. Free and easy way to store and manage your health information and get the best answer to any healthcare question. Complete, accurate, secure, and readily available medical records is a big challenge. If PTOY can streamline the healthcare process, that will be worth far more than it's current market cap of $21 million! The advisory board includes CEO/Founder of STORJ and investor who deals in the hundreds of millions. This coin will have NO problem reaching $1billion marketcap in the long term. Downside is they won't have working app until about October at the earliest but this one should trend higher leading into that time frame and now is a good time to accumulate.


#5. KORECOIN was recently brought to my attention by a friend and I'm glad I found it. Recent years have been plagued with the revelations that the government in partnership with big tech firms are spying on our every conversation. The right to privacy and protection from illegal wiretapping seems to have vanished with adoption of new technology such as voice over ip. KORE seeks to change that by providing affordable encryption services to our phone and video calls. This tiny marketcap coin is currently valued at only $3million! This is easily a 10 bagger and could have even more potential in the long term.


#6. ADTOKEN is an Ethereum based solution for digital advertising. They aim at cleaning up the digital ad market by utilizing blockchain technology. We saw this week how AdEx increased greatly with partnership deal with NEO. I believe ADT will also have it's day of appreciation soon. By investing in the Ethereum blockchain now, they can achieve their vision of creating an open ecosystem for dapps and ingenuity. This is a huge and growing market with significant advantages to first-movers. ADT will benefit from being in on the ground floor and creating the foundation for development.


#7. HUMANIQ caught my attention because they appear to be working on a noble cause. That is to help the 3.5billion people who are not able to fully participate in today's global economy, finally get plugged in through the use of blockchain technology. This is not only a HUGE opportunity, but also a worthy cause. For the first time in history, cryptocurrency is enabling a great leveling of the economic playing field. There is no reason why this technology cannot be shared with everyone including those who have for generations been marginalized by our modern banking institutions. HMQ encourages their uses to join the Humaniq Forum — a public discussion board for entrepreneurs around the world. Connect with other entrepreneurs, find beta users, learn from experienced founders, and get advice on how to overcome early challenges. This is a great idea that will lead to enormous economic growth that will benefit the entire world!


#8. VOXELUS is as cool of an idea as the sound of their name! Voxelus is a platform that allows anyone, anywhere to create, share and play virtual reality games and experiences without writing a single line of code. Voxelus includes a bundle of free assets that you can use to design with more content coming out every week. Virtual reality on the blockchain! This may sound quite futuristic to most people, but the future is getting nearer by the minute and this company appears to be ready to capitalize on it! They recently posted a very nice video about their future plans.


#9. CHRONOBANK is another unique application of the transformative power of the blockchain technology. They seek to update an industry that is very outdated and clumsy, the recruitment industry. I have personal experience about how terribly ineffective the current process is, even for major companies, to find and keep the talent they need in today's economy. This is an extremely large opportunity and Chronobank appears to be very ambitious in the various potential markets they are looking to disrupt. This won't stay at $17 million market cap for long.


#10. ELASTIC is an exciting coin. If you are familiar with GOLEM, they are in the same space of super-computing, but currently priced at a fraction of the valuation. There is an article that compares XEL with GOLEM and some other similar coins for more info on the differences. Basically, imagine connecting all the spare computing power in the world through the blockchain and using it for a common (hopefully good) purpose! There is a ton of potential in this space and room enough for multiple players.


STRATIS is positioning themselves to be the go to blockchain for business company. Yes, there is and will be a lot of competition in this arena with such established companies as Microsoft and IBM realizing they need to support blockchain technology as a service for corporations. However, there will also be a lot of money to go around. Every major company will soon be upgrading their accounting department, legal, human resources, supply chain/logistics and other departments with the power and efficiency of the blockchain. This represents a multi-billion dollar opportunity for those who are ready to take on the challenge of corporate integration. STRAT has created the ability for companies to create their own private side-chain from their main blockchain network. This is exactly what every major corporation will need, so they are in the right place at the right time with the right product.


This post represents my view and opinion of the cryptosphere at this time. It is not to be considered investment advice. There is a good chance that I may own or will soon own any or all of these coins. I would love to hear any comments or tips which cryptos you think may be better than these!
(images based on screenshots taken from -


Really hoping Steem could get some forward momentum, good opportunity to add to a great existing position

Ya, this one will most definitely pay off for those patient enough to accumulate it now! STEEM at these prices truly is a no brainer investment. Buy and hold, it's really that simple! Easy 5 bagger minimum...

Have you heard of EVErex? They are fintech hoping to give every one access to money through microlending and such.

What is your opinion on it??

Yes! I like their vision. It's a great goal to use cryptocurrency to help those who have been unable to participate in the current global financial system.

Thnx, let's follow your updates!

Feel happy to see your post. Thank you for your knowledge and information.

Are you still liking Excelcoin?

YES! I sold off a lot of my EXL coin, but still have a ton of EXL tokens and all of the other coins they have released so far. NZK gets listed tonight on i have a lot of EXM and CSTC and Casino Chip. They make consistent progress but still looking for that big winner.

Coin Marketplace

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