“It Never Was a Security”: Ethereum Under The Regulatory Spotlight

“It Never Was a Security”: Ethereum Under The Regulatory Spotlight

"US regulators looking at Ethereum and whether it should actually be classed a security"

Read more: cointelegraph.com

More news sources

Brian Kelly: Bitcoin Is on the Rise and Can No Longer Be Ignored

Brian Kelly, the founder and CEO of BKCM LLC, believes that the days of relegating Bitcoin to the background of the financial market are over. The number one cryptocurrency has been on a resurgence and can no longer be ignored.

Read more: bitcoinist.com

Bitcoin Price is on the Verge of Surpassing $10,000 Once Again

Even though most altcoins are stealing the thunder in the cryptocurrency world right now, no one will overlook the Bitcoin price either. The way things look right now, it appears to be a matter of time until the value per BTC surpasses the $10,000 mark. I...

Read more: themerkle.com

Here’s Why Blockchain Companies Are Moving Away from ICOs

ICOs have gotten a bad name. And given the fact that we’re constantly hearing about scams and illicit dealings, it isn’t hard to see why. Then there are the well-intentioned ideas that don’t make it to the first line of code, and the omnipresent thr...

Read more: themerkle.com

Why the JPMorgan Blockchain Patent Application Is Not Really News

Over the past 24 hours, numerous news outlets have reported on the JPMorgan blockchain patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But the story is neither new nor newsworthy. Also see: Goldman Sachs Launches Into Bitcoin Market Join th...

Read more: bitsonline.com

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Cool, nice info cryptocurrency for me, I really like the related information about crypto, good work and stay best @cryptonized

Good news and great research. How old were Warren Buffett again? It may be that in his time he had the look ahead. But if he does not understand something, it does not have to be rat poison right away. Warren Buffett confuses the crypto market with the stock market. So the crypto market is new and no one in the world can predict how it will develop. Should we look back: In the beginning, humans created 0 and 1.

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