Safe Exchange Coin (SAFEX) wallet issues cause waves in the market
The price of SAFEX is all over the shop today as people are desperate to hear about the new wallet due for release.
Some are growing impatient as the download option goes live on the website, but doesn't work.....(forum thread here)
The price has taken a beating the last few days, but can the release of the wallet save the day and send prices to the moon?
I'd love to hear what you guys are thinking about this one as with a relatively low market cap, I personally consider SAFEX on the fringes.
When does the wallet come out? I hit download on their site, but nothing happened.
@shaunrosenberg I don't know the team, but have been following closely and it just looks like some delays delivering the final product.
This is very common in technical projects like this, so I wouldn't worry too much.
A number of coin holders are also expecting the wallet to be the magic ticket to the billionaires club. I do not think this will be the case. The price may rise a little (or a lot) after the wallet arrives, but I wouldn't think it will be anything like Bitcoin's rise in May.