Verge (XVG) My sleeping giant

Hey there wanted to see if I could help some people like myself. A little about me. I'm a 35 year old male. Construction worker most my life. Always hated it. Just kinda figured well this is it. Work my ass off barely survive and die. Well that's just kinda the way it usually works in middle/ lower class America. Sometimes at the end of the month. I manage to have enough money to take my daughter some place nice for a father / daughter date if lucky. Well that was before I got into cryptocurrency. I started off just investing. After I started making pretty good returns. I started taking my profits and investing in other altcoins. So I was no longer having to stick money out of pocket in to make money. I've been in cryptos maybe 7 weeks now and I've started doing a little trading as of late to try to maximize my gains and I'd say untill you really feels comfortable with your moves and have studied your stuff don't try this it's more of a gamble at times smart money buys low and sales high and sometimes when trading you end up chasing something that is already headed up and it don't work out 99% of the time. Least in my experience. I always trade for stuff that's low I was explaining trading to my wife's cousin who I helped get started in crypto. Well he started trading and was chasing stuff that had the hot hand and ended up loosing a pretty good chunck of money. I must admit I did get caught up in chasing myself when Litecoin went up but I did loose in the long run and learned a valuable lesson in doing so. I tell you all this to try and help a few people out to not make my mistake also to encourage them if they are reluctant to invest in cryptocurrency. So I started off with a pretty minimal investment. A $110 to be excact. Once I had my cash converted over to Bitcoin and onto my exchange of choice. Which is binnance of your looking for a exchange to try out. Here's my referral link to the binnance exchange if you do wanna try it. Ok side tracked again lol sorry not really a proper writer. But just thought I might could help in courage some other who might be reluctantly considering investing in crypto. So upon getting into binance. I was truly over whelmed at first. It's like all you see is numbers and letters and I was like wow what the hell is this. It's literally like a whole new language. Which is a lot like crypto in general it really is like learning a new language. You start learning about block chain and platforms and all the stuff being done with it. Stuff you never heard of then when you start talking about it to people they act like you really are speaking another Well I started looking around and started looking up the coins and what they was about who started them and where it looked like they was going. So I found a few that looked promising like substratum, Verge, Litecoin,cordano,and a few others but I had taking my little money I had to put in and spread it out the best I could in to 4 or 5 to get me started. Well several did well right off and one well Verge just sat around for two weeks or so and never moved really just stayed on a penny. Then one day here just a few days ago it went up to 3 cent I believe 3 or four that day. Which was really awesome cause at that time I owned 4500 Verge coins and 300% profits even at my tiny investment was awesome to me it was absolutely one of the most thrilling times of my life it was like cheering for my favorite football team in the Superbowl. It really was to see one of my investments shooting up 20,30,40,50 and a 100,150,200 percent. Just an awesome experience hope to see more of that plenty. Well the very next day I did see more Verge the very same coin was at it again all the way up to 9 cent. My little minimal investment into a penny coin was paying off well at 305. something percent I sold and took profit. Now they always say if it's to good to be true it usually isn't well I figured the reason they say usually instead of never is because exceptions like cryptos happen and it's the real deal before cashing out of Verge my initial investment had profited me almost a 600% profit and after Verge had finally settled it was back at 4 and 5 cents so I bought it back and still had a lot of extra to reinvest in another favorite of mine. That all while having awesome percentages in several other coins none that substantial but compared to a savings account well there's no comparison. So if you're sitting on the outside looking in wondering if this is right for you take ya $20 or $30,$50, or a $100 and give it a shot for that price you can get in learn the ropes and if you do it right make some money off that and reinvest, but most importantly you learned the ins and outs. Hopefully and you have some idea how not to make as many mistakes as we all do in the beginning. Well thanks for reading hope this may have helped a few people if nothing else. Hope yaw enjoyed. Merry Christmas yaw .!Screenshot_20171216-205358.png)

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