Check of this sexy hardware wallet...The Ledger Nano S!
The Ledger Nano S
Cryptocurrency hardware wallet
What is going on everyone!
vvv I am Joe and I would like to point your attention to this beauty right here
This is the Ledger Nano S and today I want to go over the different coins that can be held on this little beauty and some key features worth mentioning.
What is included in packaging?
Good place to start.
- The Ledger Nano S
- Micro USB cord
- Lanyard
- Instructions
- Passphrase Card (To record your passphrase)
This little guy is so easy to use, today i will be going over the uses available through Google Chrome.
There are a few apps that will needed to be downloaded from the Google Chrome Store which are listed below.
- Ledger Manager (This is used to download the apps for the different coins you might want to store on your ledger)
- Ledger Wallet Bitcoin (This wallet will allow you to store your bitcoins and many others.)
- Ledger Wallet Ethereum (This wallet will allow you to store your ETH)
- Ledger Wallet Ripple (This wallet will allow you to store your XRP)
- Ledger Wallet Stellar (This wallet is hosted online and will allow you to store your XLM ** Star for favorite ;) **)
Some Strong Tips:
- Don't have two apps open at once on your computer (i.e. Don't have open on your desktop Ledger Manager and Ledger Wallet Bitcoin, The windows will not work.)
- Open the app on the computer first, then open the app on the ledger.
Now that you know the coins that have their own app platforms on the Ledger Nano S, let's take a look at the coins that share the Ledge Wallet Bitcoin app.
- Bitcoin
- Litcoin
- Fido U2F
- DogeCoin
- ZCash
- Dash
- Startis
- Hello
- Bitcoin Cash
- Komodo
- Ethereum Classic
- PosW
- Ark
- Expanse
- Ubiq
- PivX
- VertCoin
- ViaCoin
- Neo
- StealthCoin
- Bitcoin Gold
- HCash
- Digibyte
- Qtum
Ok, that is a lot of coins and the list is still growing through software updates released over the web.
My first experience with the update was earlier today when accessing my Ripple wallet, the update was painless and took less than 5 minutes.
Where Can I Get One!?!?!
I am currently using mine and holding coins, it is super simple to use as said above and can fit in any safe for safe keeping. Pick up yours today!
Leave Some Love Down Below!
DOGE - DHMYchakhY1yx5XKY9Hf7c2mMWndLyg3AL
LTC - LKMYxzRiM7xVxJogpqw4pkHGDqGKkFrkDm