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RE: Markets are UP! Let us be Grateful for Steem to be inching its way back up to $2.50 Bitcoin is back over $7500 and EOS back over $12.50 today, so let us pray to Bogdanoffs for a Pump!
That's true, all are moving towards one step ahead and slowly climbing up on the uptrend ladder and let's hope that this will be continued. 🙂
Here is the ladder you are talking about

And here is the steem version made by @mynameisbrian haha you can see where he got his influence!
Here are some other classics by @mynameisbrian
hes a genius man i love this guy i hope he starts making more animations like this more often and has a deal with @dtube to get a fully animated TV show series WOW would that be nice!
wow he even does eos memes!

WOW while looking at these animations by @mynameisbrian i found an actual animation of how steempower works and @ackza had been talking about the need for this, and this is great @sethlinson
If you can all start posting more VIDEOS on Dtube and ABOUT @ackza and how you have been making money on Steemit and then a Post on Instagram showing your Steem Blog with all the prices highlighted, then I am sure ackza will give you an upvote and a resteem! But you must make a simple Dtube and Dlive video and upload it to youtube, and post a link in the description to a instagram post that will also auto post to Twitter facebook and tumblr, and then show us the post! :D
Oh brother that's really cool and thanks for sharing the ladder, i was searching for it because i wanted to go up using it ha ha. 🙂
Thanks for sharing the video too, it's really great piece and informative with amazing retro essence which making that video entertaining too. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂