Why EOS is Better Than Ethereum and Bitcoin

How is something like EOS, currently priced at $0.52, better than Bitcoin priced at $5,978.04 and Ethereum priced at $298.62?


EOS is an application platform, not an application.

Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, EOS is an application platform, which allows anyone to write code and publish it to the blockchain and run it on the blockchain without needing to ask for permission.

Simply, it is a hosting environment for decentralized applications.

As @dan puts it, "whereas Ethereum is like a micro-controller, EOS is an like an operating system running on a multi-core processor."

This parallelism gives EOS horizontal scalability, the ability to run multiple things at once, and is one of the main differential features of EOS is bringing the the blockchain industry.



EOS delivers on Ethereum's promises.

Unlike Ethereum, developers can actually build their full-potential apps on EOS' ecosystem.

Most developers now using the Ethereum platform for application development are noticing that there are A LOT of limitations when building on Ethereum.

And most developers are releasing weaker and water-downed versions of their applications currently on Ethereum because Ethereum's limitations are stopping them from implementing their full vision.

Not only does EOS help developers, but it helps the end users as well. Because of EOS, developers can now create premiere applications cheaper and with more integration features. So you can easily integrate and link one blockchain app with another.

Also unlike Ethereum and Bitcoin, EOS is reliable.

It's blockchain systems are built to handle development from the very beginning and because of this developers don't have to worry about losing money with glitches, crashes, or other problems.

As a result, developers don't have to focus on building applications that monetize the users, they can focus on building their dream applications.



EOS is more user-friendly.

Whereas Bitcoin and Ethereum are costly and hard to use for users, EOS is much more user-friendly and costs nothing to use.

EOS is easy to use, has user-friendly account names, and ZERO transaction fees just like STEEM. Go look at your Bitcoin and Ethereum transaction history and add up all those transaction fees.

Not fun paying fees to make transactions, What is this a bank?

No fees, easy to use, and friendly human account names. What is this the future?



EOS has better tech and performance.

This is where it gets really easy to see how EOS is better than Ethereum and Bitcoin.

EOS' transactions are confirmed in a half of a second, whereas Ethereum and Bitcoin can takes minutes and hours, especially when congestion hits their networks. Ethereum can only handle 20 transactions per second and Bitcoin can only handle 2-3 transaction per second.

EOS using inspiration from STEEM will destroy these numbers. STEEM can already handle 1-2000 transactions per second. Some say it has been tested at 100,000 transactions per second.

It is pretty obvious to tell how much better EOS will be on the tech and performance side.

Do you really want to wait that long? And how long do you think it will take until businesses and developers get sick of waiting and move everything to the EOS platform?



EOS is hard to copy.

What EOS is doing is so different, that if Ethereum wanted to do something like EOS, all of its current applications would break and would be incompatible with the new system. The developers would have to build all new applications that can run parallel systems.

This is not an easy or quick task.

@dan compares it to swapping out car engines while the car is running.

It is a lot harder to swap engines (Ethereum to switch to EOS-style blockchain network) when the car is driving (Ethereum has billions of dollars of vested interest already), then swap out the engines when the car is standing still.

Ethereum is the car driving, and EOS is the car standing still.

Try building a race car from scratch and build a race car while its driving. Which one do you think will be more successful in the long-term?

Also, EOS uses a new virtual mining machine based off of Web Assembly, which gives them a fast execution, up to 80% of native speed.

Ethereum uses the Ethereum virtual mining machine which is less effective It's kind of like swapping out the CPU of your computer to a different architecture, which is very difficult to do.



EOS takes away our reliance on governments.

The nature of a smart contract decentralized system is to take away the government's jurisdiction to rule on arbitration cases.

With EOS, there will be a constitution that ever user apart of the ecosystem signs. This creates a new international jurisdiction by which it can handle contract disputes and problems without the need for government.

By removing the government's ability to rule on contract disputes and bring it into the blockchain, EOS takes away our reliance on governments and limits the governments' power to influence the blockchain environment.

If you look at Bitcoin and Ethereum, government and multi-national corporations are all over these systems.

Take a look at some of the top Bitcoin accounts by amount of Bitcoin. They are the letter agencies: the CIA, FBI, NSA. They all use Bitcoin to store and transfer resources to assets in the field. It's all in the open. And take a look at the members of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Do you really want to support all those evil, elite multi-national corporations and institutions?

EOS is a truly decentralized, new form of "government," that helps settle contract disputes both professionally and personally and regulates itself through the blockchain.

The result is a new smart contract platform that bridges the gaps between actual contracts to allow people to interact securely with each other.

EOS is a system that will make other systems obsolete. I hope all this information will help you make the best decision for your future


This concludes the comprehensive analysis on why EOS is better than Ethereum and Bitcoin.

I hope this provided value and helped you understand how EOS is going to change this world of ours.

If you want information on how to purchase EOS go here:https://steemit.com/ethereum/@vegeto/how-to-buy-eos-tokens

Thank you as always for your time and attention.


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Wow bro great information as soon as i have capital to invest again in cryptos i am sure to buy me some EOS thanks to your post!!!
I haven't been to deep into EOS yet but your post has given me a awesome insight view thanks my brother.



Appreciate your words my brother. Glad I could provide some value for ya.

Keep doing great things.

God bless.


Was looking for some good info on EoS, and you put it all in one place, much appreciated

Thank you, appreciate you.

Glad I could help out.

God bless.


The price is all based on speculation right now, in a few years we will see which platform becomes the most widely adopted. Hopefully the community figures out the benefits of EOS soon.

Totally agree with ya. All in due time. I definitely think once it is out in the open and people can see it tangibly that will definitely help with people realizing the benefits.

Appreciate you taking the time out to read this.


You represented the information in a really good manner and I really grateful to you.

What I understood by studying the market is EOS seems a good option but from investment point of view may not be the good option.

What do you say about it?

Really appreciate your kinds words.

That depends on what your time horizon is. EOS is a great long-term investment play, but if you are looking for short-term gains then yeah EOS might not be the place to go.

Appreciate you time taking the time out of your day to read.

God bless.


Anytime, it's always my pleasure.
When I look at the market, I find these IOTA, BitShares and Siacoin may have a great opertunity in near future if someone just hold them for long term.

What your opinion about it?

I am definitely all behind Bitshares. It has so many benefits its wild.

Haven't done my research into IOTA and Siacoin yet but will do thank you for letting me know buddy.

EOS might be 'better'..but it sure hasn't been better as an investment so far

I can definitely understand that view point for sureeeee.

Namaste my friend, How did you knew Namaste?

Appreciate you.

Thru life it was introduced to me my friend.

God bless.


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Beautifull post

Appreciate you.

God bless.


EOS does probably have so much benefits and in some points also better options than BTC or ETH, but the community behind BTC and ETH is too strong. EOS can never easily outdo one or both of the leaders...

Appreciate you taking the time to read my post. But I would actually argue the opposite. Most of the "leaders" of BTC and ETH are motivated by money and profits. The community with EOS, STEEM, and BTS is much stronger and more organic with the leaders being motivated by inspiring real, positive change, not profits.

With all the benefits, the excellent leadership, and the huge capital raised, I have no doubt EOS will outdo the competition in due time.

With all the benefits it has against the competition, the excellent leadership, and the huge capital raise, I have no doubt there will out do them in due time.

Great info and light onto this subject, will take a look at the EOS application platform. Thanks chief. (:

Appreciate you my friend. You are very welcome :)

Flag @chiefmappster the scammy scum!! God bless, bitches!! NAMASTE!!

Lol as you make money spamming people with bots. Sounds like you are what you are referring too.

God bless.


Flag @chiefmappster the scammy scum!! God bless, bitches!! NAMASTE!!

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