in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Many years ago, I remember someone stating the following: “COCA COLA and PEPSI were deadlock staring eye to eye. Then COKE blinked”. The reference was to the fact that Coke came out with a “new” formula and Pepsi took advantage of this as a “claim to the title”

Competition is a strange thing. It is what drives one producer to push for the top spot in the marketplace. When a new idea is formed, other companies that are in the same field would try to find a way to capture their portion of the market.


Recently, I noticed the “Herd” has invaded the CRYPTOCURRENCY space. By the Herd, I am referring to the crowd that seems to follow the new industries on the Internet in search of opportunities to EARN MONEY FROM HOME.

The first wave is that of the creative people that seek out the opportunity to provide the opportunity for those to follow to make buckets of money (for such a small price). The people that follow these are either new, unmotivated or dreamers with disillusions.


I watched a recent video and the person being interviewed runs a great business in CRYPTOCURRENCY. He made a comment that I immediately realized made total sense. He stated he hoped the price of BITCOIN would drop to about half its value! His next statement was a mindblowing factor. He stated that all the scams would disappear because it would force the scam artists to shut down.

Unfortunately, everything profitable will be copied. I have been waiting for the development of a very new set of business protocols. Meanwhile, I have followed some other businesses that are producing some of these same business protocols.

I hate playing second fiddle! I like being with the best and most of the time that means the first. Sometimes, however, it may not mean being first as others take to the internet with the same zeal and find the same directions for the scavenger hunt!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62720.27
ETH 2447.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64