Big Crypto News today....Plus FREE Smart Cash Prediction!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I have much respect for Jeff Berwick at The Dollar Vigilante, but I think he just tipped me off to his next coin recommendation that you must pay for on his website in the V.I.P. Area. Is Smart Cash about to go to the moon?...


That would be HUGE if facebook jumps on board with cryptos! Do you think they would just allow LTC and not other altcoins?

Jeff is the man! Ill have to look into smart cash...Seems like a good place to park some of your assets.

Jeff is a smart guy, if I just picked off his next call two weeks earlier.......well I must be a little smart myself. We gonna see soon if I am right.

Looks like you were right! @broncnutz

It’s all with time that any coin rises to the moon but whatever coin has even the tiniest potential , INVEST for the future ! I invested in EOS which is releasing June 2018, lots of growing room

I think EOS is a good move....

blog that you make very interesting extra .. please help me with my blog upvote thank you

Considering Eos Iota Ada are currently in line ti be eth biggest competetors i own all 4


Thanks u so much for this video, u are multitalented a sportsman, a painter and good on currency matters

Ahaha, I remember the Snowman ⛄️- that’s why I started following. I had NO idea there was so much gone learned here.

😂😂😂my snowman

Thank you 😜

Most welcome respected Denver sir

Great information! I need to come down to the Springs and sit down with you and learn some more on these cryptocurrencies and blockchains! Keep up the great videos! P

You do need to! I can teach you a lot!

Just watch his videos, he’s full of information and speaks an understandable language.

I’ve tried to learn about crypto SO MANY TIMES and couldn’t understand, until I heard it here.

Ah thanks lil momma!!!

Yo Cuz... Thanks for the info!!! 7% Rewards = Free Money

😂😂😂my fav cook! Yo Cuzzzzzz

Wow @broncnutz  

You Have really got some inside new's which no one has got till now or not even close to think about the things happening around the crypto world.

Coming to the point of Goldman Sachs and the trading i have read about it that they are starting to Setup Cryptocurrency Trading Desk soon which could boost the cryptos and taking them to the mainstream.

On the other hand you caught the Triangle i guess and seems like you are very Right there 

The triangle in the making Charlie lee ,Coin base & Facebook

Perfectly sums up the game here for Facebook and as far i know Mark zukerberg would definitely would not wanna miss out on this opportunity the other's may not think about the competition in the social media space but its definitely huge at the moment and the pressure seem to have formed this triangle i am excited too came to know about this first from you and could expect some integration in the payment gateway for sure lite coin is the thing .

And What a F.U.D many has created the market goes down but i am HOLDING as i too have got matured over the time in this cryptos world this are just to inflate the time in short amount of time take J.P morgan for an example hahah.

Coming to the 

smart cash 

Definitely as per you said jeff berwick could may pick this as his choice and he has a lot of experience of the cryptos over the year so definitely worth check him out soon on the 24th. Its a cool coin which pays 7% over the capital per month what else needed the corrupt bankers don't even do that lol 

It was definitely the best video i have seen you have some great knowledge and experience of the cryptos and its my pleasure to follow you keep sharing exclusive content like this ... i appreciate your research and the hard work you are putting in :) 

Have and Amazing weekend Enjoy ..Have fun 

Merry Christmas 


Thanks for the amazing reply. Merry Christmas cuz....

smart is going to be everything this could hit the mainstream with its unique features wow

I think so. Also I literally just saw the sponsors for this years Anarchapulco conference....which Jeff Berwick puts of the five Gold sponsors along with Dash is........SMART CASH!

i downloaded the smartcash windows desktop wallet and transferred funds there .. My question is am i done now ? i see that there is an option for a paper wallet brain wallet web wallet and that they advise to use either paper or brain wallet . My question is , where are the passwords and how does that work ? anyone can log into my wallet like this on my pc and use my funds ? any info would be appreciated . thx @broncnutz

I use the web wallet and added two factor authentication from google authentication. I don't really like desk top wallets because a good hacker can see it on my desktop. This is just my opinion. To answer your question.....yes you are done as long as the coins are in you rewards or your rewards 2 wallet. If they are in your spending acct, the coins do not qualify for any rewards. If you accidentally put them in your spending wallet it's an easy fix. There is a box inside the wallet that says "is rewards" if you check that box it turns your spending wallet into a rewards wallet as long as you don't move the coins.

Thx for the answer.. so basiy i should make a web wallet
Add 2 factoir authentication and then transfer funds there ? Thx

You got it cuz! That will work perfect.

Thx man .. u might want to check out Bankera also .. could be interesting

@broncnutz 1 question man .. given i have the google authenticator on my anddroid .. what happens if i lose my phone or something ? how do i find my key so i can get it back ? appreciate it :D

@broncnutz very interesting tip on LTC and Facebook rumor. Smartcash sounds very interesting too with erasing trail, smart nodes, Dollar Vigilante. Thanks!

You welcome.

predictions that will become the future economic civilization ..

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