Cryptomining game review! Play this game for free crypto!

Have the team at cryptocatchers found their newest, favourite way to gain free crypto coins?
Bitcoin, dogecoin, litecoin, etherium, dash and bitcoin cash can all be yours for free by playing this simple online mining game!
Whats it all about?
The aim is to level up by doing various missions and build your hash rate and mining time as you gain xp and level.
There are 15 mission levels you can reach by leveling your account.The level number will determine how much energy you will need to spend to complete those missions. A level one mission will cost you one energy, a level five mission will cost five energy. Each mission level has a range of missions to choose from that will reward you with XP,hash rate, Bitcoin, dogecoin, litecoin and most importantly, crystals. The higher your level, the greater the rewards.
This is what this game is truly about. Your main objective is to collect enough crystals to keep your virtual miner running.
It may seem impossible to keep your mine running at first because crystals will be hard to come by but at level five, ten and fifteen you will get missions that are soley for crystals. Level tens crystal mission will make sure you are well stocked and able to keep your mine running at a constant rate.
There are three coins you can mine to begin with. Bitcoin, doge and litecoin. Your hash rate will start of low but as you level and are rewarded with hash rate from various missions, you will start to see a nice flow of coins from your mine.
(you can only mine one coin at a time)
Once again,
Once you reach level five you will be given the option to "Mine for real". This means you can choose to use your cpu to mine coins and hash rate. You won't be mining just one coin but all three and at the same time, you will also mine hash rate and build the power of your miner.
Once you gain one thousand hash rate, "Premium" options will open which will allow you to mine Dash, Etherium and bitcoin cash along with other perks which can be seen in the image below.
All in all, this would have to be the most interesting and enjoyable coin faucet that cryptocatchers have come accross. The added feature of the "Mine for real" option propels this faucets to new heights and the returns are exceptional. If you would like to see for yourself and give this great earner a try click our referral link below and sign up.
You won't be disappointed!
Yeah... I'd trust that not to use my CPU...