Can Ubiq set a new standard for the Ethash and crypto community with Ubqhash?
A change is soon to come. Asic miners beat it like a 16 year old!
Many of us cryptocurrency investors and miners have progressively been forced into a corner by the overwhelming and ongoing introduction of new Asics taking over networks / coins that have originally introduced themselves as Asic resistant begging for GPU support. What a lie if I ever heard one. When Equihash and Ethash needed our support in the beginning stages they stuck to their guns of ensuring no Asic will ever take over the network. (Thank goodness for Monero taking a stance and honoring their proclamation.) How quickly they forget, seeing Ethereum go to crap put a smile on my face. Unfortunately many people lost a load of cash as ETH showed it's real worth. How many losses does it take for one to learn their lesson.
Well Ubiq is taking a stance against these Asic on behalf of GPU miners. Need I really say more. For example Monero underwent the same situation. Asic's tried to take over their network and the Dev's forked those Asics so hard it made people head spin. Many couldn't believe in how they invested into a fancy doorstop. Thank your Bitmain overlords for screwing you over. When will people stop being so naïve? Bitmain's business practices do not bother many investors because of their greed factor. They want as much crypto as they can get fast as they can get. As we all recall the turtle beat the hare because of a slow and steady pace. Batch after batch of Asic's only leave asic investors in a bad situation that requires them to constantly purchase the newer model just to stay above profitability.
Enough about Asics. Ubiq will be implementing a hard-fork that will be taking place during a DAG/Epoch switch. That transition is scheduled to occur at block height: 660,000 roughly about Epoch #22. Meaning Fusion wallet will be updated to point to the latest version and you will be prompted to upgrade. Gubiq 2.0 full node : Reference repository (imported by Ubqminer) is also available: Ubqminer which is a community driven fork of Ethminer is also available with a test net to see how you may fair with your current mining solutions. FYI: Ubqminer will automatically start hashing Ubqhash once the hard-fork is implemented. Try not to get left out in the cold once this happens and prepare for the change that is upon us all. Why because the hash rate will have dropped off just enough for a short while that it may become highly profitable as was Monero when they implemented their hard-fork against Asic. I must say Monero forking Asic's brought tears of happiness to my life watching them stick to the original White-paper. Lastly there will be a modified open Eth pool. The Modified Open Ethereum Pool is now available as well,
Spread the word to those that you know mine Ubiq to help keep them ahead of the game.
Blindpilot signing out.