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RE: Huge Milestone - First Ever Payment Of DIY Tube Coins To All Members

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately providing links to your own website(s) is not verification that your company is a "legitimate business" Where is your business plan? Where is the whitepaper? Why are your investors being so secretive? As I asked you before how is this the value of this coin valued? Where did you come up with the value of each coin at .05 cent and that it is going to double to .10 by the end of the month? These are basic questions that can and should be answered. And calling people asking you questions trolls is in no way an answer. Are you going to continue evading peoples inquiry on your legitimacy?

And why are you using your sock-puppet account names to up vote your posts? Don't you realize that is against steemit policy?


Very soon you will also find the ICO showing up on official websites. This is also not taken lightly and the application process for some websites is quite stringent and complex.

Most of them verify all your application information and even challenge you on some points in order to confirm the validity of the coin sale.

Would one of those sites be the SEC Fraud watch site? Everything you do has the rustle of confederate money. And is just about as valuable.

Oh, I am quite certain you guys have already filed multiple complaints against the company with the SEC.

But you see, we have nothing to fear. Because it a direct sale of a coin. NOT a security.

Like making a bird house and selling it to someone.

but that birdhouse has value. it is a tangible item that can be used. your "coins" are mere tokens. only usable on your website. like the coal company stores of yesteryear who paid their employees wages in script (tokens),they are only usable in the company store at whatever price you want to charge. it is worthless as fiat currency.

Wow, well isnt that funny?

Cause cryptocurrency is paying our bills now.

We now have 40 graphics cards mining crypto.

Steemit is paying us in crypto.

DIY Tube Video is paying us in crypto.

And guess what? We are paying our bills in crypto.

Oh, I said that. Well, you gotta repeat for a troll. lol

You got electric bill of $850 to find out LOST MONEY CRYPTO MINING. Other people stopped mining in December yet you lost $850, BaWaHahahaha!!!

answer the statement cocksucker. i said YOUR cryptocrap. i wasnt talking about the legitimate crypto which you mine because youre too fukkin lazy to get off your ass and WORK for it.

Your coin is WORTHLESS and not backed by real money until a victim 'buys' your worthless coin for $0.05. This is your arrogant scam and fraud. Of course you push this fraud cause only thing you do when your lazy ass refuses to work or get a job. You are SCAMMER FRAUD CROOK CRIMINAL.

Boy, you sure love to rant and rave and use bold letters.

Another troll ironically on steemit screaming fake.

Well, as I told your friend.

We are paying our bills in cryptocurrency now.

You can scream and rant and rave all you want but it wont change the facts.

Cryptocurrency is here to stay. Cryptocurrency is real. Cryptocurrency is paying our bills.

Steemit is paying us in crypto. Our mining rigs are paying us in crypto. DIY Tube Video is paying us in crypto.

Crypto is paying our bills.

All the blowing, blasting and ranting in the world from the keyboard of a troll wont change that one bit.

Yesterday your youtube video stated your mining rigs have been shut down due to high electric costs, an electric bill of $850 that you don't have and your video tube site coin sale is a FAILURE. Here I am GLOATING, LAUGHING, USING BOLD LETTERS. LOSING MONEY CRYPTO MINING, ELECTRIC POWER SHUT OFF, Hahahahahahaha!!! So what is paying the bills Mr Lazy to do the math to figure out the crypto mining break even point?

and cryptocurrency is all part of the advancement of the new world order. the march toward a one world government which is revelations warning of the coming of satan to power. now a good battle bible christian like you should already know this and this cryptocrap would be abhorrent to you. but i guess your love of money beats your love of God so much that youre willing to scheme and scam your way to hell thru this life. as long as you dont have to work.right mel?

Answers to literally every one of your questions can be found on the links I provided. So, yes, providing links to answer your questions is quite valid.

Now when a person asks a question once, its fine.

It starts to seem trollish when a person asks the same question repeatedly no matter what answer he/she/it receives.

Please have a look at the links provided and have a look at the white paper. By the way, we are updating the white paper in a few days with a LOT more info. So check it out later too.


Constant and ongoing marketing and social media networking is also proof that this company means business and is not playing games.

Get a job, lazy ass scamming fraud. Your child like mind has been playing games with adults for years.

Oh, I am doing just fine paying our bills now.

But thank you so much for caring about myself and my family.

I feel so touched to know you all care :)

I am an employee ay the bank that holds "his" mortgage...

Unless his name is Bill. he is not paying his own bills...

DIY Tube Coin has been checked out by the Ethereum team and has been listed with all company website and social media links. This after a full and thorough application process and after confirmation by the Ethereum team.

As I am sure you know, the Ethereum team takes things seriously and does not list fakes on their site.

They try not to validate fakes but they are operating on concept that people are honest. People like YOU troy prove them wrong. You are a scamming human fungus.

Well, looking at your name, I guess your comments are not to be trusted.

Thanks for the comment though. Every little bit helps.

Since you minted 250million DIYT coins at $0.10, did you post $25million dollars to cover the value? Your coins are worthless as the air you pulled them from. No real money is backing your coins so worthless. You are SCAMMER.

Well, from a troll, I would expect nothing better.

Its so ironic that you guys attack and mock cryptocurrency on the steemit network.

Meanwhile doc is laughing all the way to the bank because you guys gave him all your "worthless monopoly money" as you guys love to call it.

Your coin is backed by a shit stain of a retard living in squalor trailer in frozen sandbox that mommy pays for. The coin is worthless as you are. You fail on youtube cause no content now. You so DAMN LAZY to do any vid with actual content. Do a vid repairing white truck, sweep snow off and fix it in the cold. It would get lots o views but you to much LAZY to do that. Your lazy shows in everything you do. All you do is TAKE, TAKE, TAKE from others.

Coming from a troll - I will take it at the value it is - garbage. No, worth less. At least you can recycle some garbage.

obviously you didnt. just look at the dump YOU created on property that was not yours to begin with.

From what I have been able to determine Ethereum shows the value of this coin at zero. Again how did you determine this coin's value at .05? And how do you support your claim that it will be worth .10 in thirty days? Just because a coin is offered at these prices doesn't mean they're worth it. I guess it boils down to buyer beware especially when there are no recognizable names backing it up.

Well, again you should read the website and the white paper.

And the value on the Ethereum network comes from coinbase, if I remember correctly and it takes a LOT of money to get on there. That will come in time.

It takes $20 -30k to be listed on some sites. So no matter what the value of the coin, it wont show up on the Ethereum network for a while with any value.

And I believe the DIY Tube Video Community will grow very well.

It is backed by a good team. I am not a small part of a bigger thing now.

Again, you speak of others as "team" but I cannot verify any team. I see nameless faces and zero evidence that this coin is worth .05 to .10 as you have claimed in past posts. I have asked numerous times and near as I can tell the value your coin claim is based solely on your believe?

Do you think anyone is stupid enough to expose themselves to the attacks of so many vicious trolls?

Not in this life.

You appear to be a master at evading questions. Perhaps that could be one of the reasons you have so many detractors. Your mannerisms leave me skeptical. Once again, HOW DO YOU DETERMINE THE VALUE OF THIS COIN AT .05 AND THAT IT WILL DOUBLE TO .10 BY THE END OF THE MONTH?

You appear to not be able to read, although you sure can type well enough.

The answers to all your questions have been given to you repeatedly.

Obviously what you deem as answered is not adequate to my standard, and apparently to several others as well. In the area of crypto currency having an evasive spokes person is a major detractor. At least I have one answer and that is not to buy into what you are selling. Thank you for your time.

Thanks for stating your coins are WORTHLESS. Your SCAM is getting people to trade real money for your worthless coins. Shame on you SCAMMING FRAUD.

How do I get on that list ?

You know, one day you are going to be on the top of the list of lawsuits.

I have always been 'top of the list' and exceling with everything. You should stay away from courts that would expose your thieving criminal scams and very likely land you in jail Mr Lawsuit. You think like a crook always take, take, take from others.

Well now, considering your friends have turned me in for every crime under the sun, I dont think I have anything more to fear.

Funny when talking to one troll another steps in and takes personal offense.

Further research lead me to a YouTube channel named techman or something like that looks like the guy in your meme. He has some spaghetti rig with a half dozen video cards screwed to a wooden board. Is that the same guy that is making these blog posts? Looking at some of the video on that channel leaves me even more skeptical on the legitimacy of the claims being made.

Well, I am pretty sure you know all that too.

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