How To Take Advantage of a Whale in Crypto
Good Afternoon Steemians!
Last night I was up late and decided check the markets to see if there was any good action going on before I went to bed. I was trading NXT/BTC with success. I usually don't trade this late (11pm PST) at night as the market is usually too saturated with whales posted up with impenetrable buy/sell walls but I noticed a heavy dip right after my last trade earlier in the day. Little did I know it at the time but I got out of that position in the nick of time as you can see by the red buy order indicator to the far left in the image below.
Luckily I got in right at the bottom of that second dip. Immediately my winning streak continued into the night. By the close of my 3rd play, I felt unstoppable. It was like the charts were speaking to me, telling me where to go... and then it hit me, shortly after my 4th buy-in I took a good look at the depth chart and order book.
I decided to keep up with the whale but he was clever. I increased my position with each new low, and as if he could see my screen would push the price even lower. I held out for a few hours and reaped the beautiful rewards of the whales wake.
The moral of the story, whales aren't always bad as long as you're swimming close to them. :)
Very good info, thanks.
Also See my blog post for a link to collect free crypto, a one time opportunity.
I'd like more info from you. I want to learn the market better and be a successful day trader. I've been trying to find the signs of whales and trying to follow them, but I'm not exactly sure how. Could you help me?