Big brother is watching bitcoin, time to increase your anonymous crypto holdings (Dash, Monero, Zcash, PivX & Cloak)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Melissa Honeybee on youtube brought this to my attention as it pertains to the US government commissioning a third party contractor to track bitcoin movements. This is the description of the contract "HSI Baltimore intends to retain the services of a blockchain analysis provider that has the capability to EXPEDITIOUSLY trace movements of Bitcoins. We anticipate the tracing of these coins will lead to criminal prosecutions."

You can find the link here ->
Click on the link above, the contract in question is at the very bottom, press ( view ) next to AWARD ID (Mod#): HSCETE17P00047

Uncle Sam needs YOUR MONEY

We already know how much time the folks at the NAS spend clamping down on government dissidents/taxable income but somehow manage to let all the real terrorist and pedophilia activity slip through its vast net of data collection through it's Prism Surveillance Program. Remember, the NSA is here "To serve and protect"... the guys at the top.

Uncle Sam needs YOUR MONEY because Uncle Sam can't seem to be able to keep his spending in check or trace the 6.5 trillion dollars gone mysterious missing from its bank accounts. It's amazing how good Uncle Sam is at tracing the 99%'s money, even to overseas swiss bank accounts and now cryptocurrencies.

Given the US government can't seem to "trace" the $6.5 Trillion gone missing with it's vast resources, it's no real surprise to find out that they're simultaneously spending far beyond their means like a bunch of drunken sailors that just pulled into port after 2 years at sea and have been let loose in the local bar/brothel.

The rise of anonymous cryptocurrencies

In the past month, we have seen a significant rise in anonymous payment cryptocurrencies

Savers have been destroyed

Through government fiscal and monetary policy which includes inflation, negative interest rate and the potential of the already legal "bail ins", people are looking to store wealth in anonymous cryptocurrencies. I believe these cryptocurrencies are only going to increase in value as the government turns the screw and people flee to safe haven/anonymous assets.

Afterall, we the people are not as badly in debt as the government. Even if you were to hand over your tax to the government, remember, they spend most of it on "defense".


Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

Thank you @defreca, right back at you :)

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