Nebulas (NAS), the potential biggest chinese blockchain

Nebulas is a blockchain within what is framed as the third generation of blockchain (Blockchain 3.0). The most important points about the 3.0. Blockchain are:

  • Consensus: They are blockchain that try to prevent the hard-forks that have been seen in other blockchains, with a consensus system in which if there is any problem with the community, a deviation from the community is incorporated as a side-chain of the principal.

  • Scalability: The previous blockchains handle few transactions per second (tps). This blockchain generation presents a high rate of tps. In the case of Nebulas, the latest tests speak of 2000 tps (150x Ethereum currently).

  • Interoperability: Blockchains that are related to each other. In the case of Nebulas, smart contracts can be integrated with Ethereum contracts.

But, what are the points by which Nebulas can become the biggest chinese blockchain?

  • All star team: The founders of Nebulas are two of the main founders of NEO (Hitters Xu and Aero Wang). Both are two blockchain pioneers in the Asian giant. In several meetings with Vitalik Buterin (Founder of Ethereum) in China, is when Hitters Xu founds BitsClub, the first blockchain community in China. Together with Da Hongfei he founded NEO, but later, seeing the limitations of NEO, he decided to found Nebulas.

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This means that Nebulas has extremely important personalities in the Chinese community. In China, contacts are fundamental, and the government always prioritizes national companies against Western ones. Examples:

  • Western companies: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Whatsapp, Twitter...
  • Chinese companies: Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba, WeChat, Weibo ...

Every western company has its Chinese replica. That is why the Chinese blockchains that have the support of the government will have an impressive success.

  • Nebulas developer incentive program: Nebulas is totally focused on having a great community of developers, something tremendously important to generate a truly competitive product. One of the most important functions of Nebulas is that it rewards developers for their work, which means that more and more developers are joining.

  • NebulasLab and NebPay: NebulasLab is created to help projects that want to launch their ICO in the Nebulas network. Currently there is already one, Atlas Protocol, and others are on the way. NebPay is a payment tool for the Nebulas network, which makes payment in the Dapps extremely easy, which is remarkable for its adoption.

  • It is the network with the most DApps: The success of "Nebulas developer incentive program" has meant that Nebulas currently has more DApps launched in its network than Ethereum. The development is constant and the 50,000 registered users have already surpassed, being one of the blockchains that grows the most.

  • Nebulas Rank and Nebulas Force: Two technical characteristics that will make the development of the network avoid hard forks (Nebulas Force), and have a search engine (Nebulas Rank). This is why it is called "The Google of the Blockchain". Nebulas Rank has the same algorithm that Google uses. In the future, it will be important to be able to quickly find smart contracts with more value for the user. They will be added throughout 2018 and 2019.
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It is such an ambitious blockchain, that it is difficult to analyze it completely in a post. It has all the characteristics to be in the future at the level of Cardano or Eos, with the difference that CURRENTLY already has the Mainnet running and the DApps too, so in our opinion it is already superior. The team will soon start marketing, so we can see more action on its price. When positive sentiment returns in the market, it may be one of the projects that benefits the most.

Currently at Coinmarketcap:

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We hope you like this analysis! In our opinion one of the best projects for accumulation until all the features are launched.

All the information is based on:

Tip Jar: Ethereum: 0x85314aE9e50c82bCDfe3B705a4B27120374f8589


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