in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)



Trust me when I tell you, there are literally thousands of people praying to God at this very moment asking that he stop Bitcoin from falling any further. Yeah, alot of times scared people turn to God, and I don’t have a problem with that. Look carefully at the screenshot above and examine the price charts on the right side, compare the charts one against the others. What do you see? Here is what I see, only 2 of the 15 charts captured in this image seem to moving at the beat of their own drums. The others seems to follow the price actions of Bitcoin. Currently there are 1,564 Coins listed on this Outside of the top 15 shown above, the investment risks are much much higher. Easily, as you scroll down the list of coins on CMC you will see the same pattern as you see in the first 15 coins listed, most coins seems to follow the price actions of Bitcoin. So, Bitcoin is like a “Giant Lever” where when you bring the price of Bitcoin down, most of the entire CMC follows suit in tandem. Do you think Bitcoin is free from “Market Manipulation” from the Evil Elite? HELL NO! WAKE UP! The Trolls and Naysayers will defend the “Status Quo” till their dying breaths, and hold fast to the belief “Markets” are all about supply and demand. I’m calling BULLSHIT on that! Please excuse my language, I’m in one of those moods and I’m not perfect, so don’t expect me to be. I am speaking to YOU from my heart! All “Markets” are BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT! I say that with complete confidence, and you wanna know why? Because I know that the 1% have 99% of all the DAMN MONEY in the world. WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE!!!!!

I hope you are at least mentally prepared for a complete global financial collapse. People, the Elite planned it to happen. They do have the power to make it happen. WAKE UP! Time is short! I’m not a prophet, but my eyes are wide open and I see what is going on. I keep saying WAKE UP, because most people are totally ASLEEP! Bitcoin as well as ALL other “Market” based coins have been captured by the ENEMY. Don’t believe the deception that when the SHIT HITS THE FAN, and BITCOIN and company will come in and save the day and while the STOCK MARKETS, and HOUSING MARKETS tank, that BITCOIN will soar up in price! The Evil Elite will not let that happen! Here is what will happen, everything that is attached to a “Market” will all tank at the same time, and that includes all of the coins on CMC. DISCLAIMER: I’m not a licensed financial advisor, and I’m simply expressing my own opinion. YOU need to develop your own opinions and act accordingly. As I see it, it will be very easy now for the Elite to collapse the entire financial system, all they have to do is REMOVE BANKS, from the equation. Most banks are so entangled with the banking system the Elite structured and built, that it looks like the domino’s are all set up in place to knock down one after the other.

Predicting the timing of this collapse is near impossible because the Elite are Masters at the shell game they are playing. At some point Food will have more value than gold. Think about that.

C’mon guys, the Elite have given us more than a heads up on what they are going to do. Silence equals CONSENT, as I said recently and that is all the permission the Elite need to move forward with their plans to collapse the global economy including Bitcoin and company (CMC).

TBC is NOT basing its value on the “Markets” and never will! Once again, foolish people are making copy cat coins and promise to attach to the “Market.” LOL Very foolish indeed. The value of TBC is directly linked to our Members which are each more valuable than a pile of gold. Can “Gold” lift a finger? Well a living man or living woman can “lift a finger.” Does gold think? I don’t know for sure if a rock can think or not, but I do know a living man or living woman can think, and is capable of critical thought. A living man or woman is certainly more valuable than a pile of gold. Only a heart filled with greed would say otherwise. Greed is foolish! Do you see what I see? YOU are more valuable than a pile of gold, and when you exercise your FREE WILL to come into agreement with the entire TBC community to add YOUR value to it, we have something to “BANK ON.” At BIRTH, the Elite captured a FICTION of YOU and have built the entire financial system on YOUR value as a CORPSE. Yes, you have been robbed of your value by them, and they DO NOT want to deal with the LIVING version of YOU. But TBC embraces the LIVING version of YOU and we have come into AGREEMENT! There is INFINITE POWER residing within each of YOU! It’s all about FREE WILL! So, can TBC save the day? If the collapse happened TODAY, TBC would certainly fail to save the day. Our only chance at saving the day is by reaching our goal of 1 Billion Members. Then, the world would turn to us during a collapse. This is why it is so important that each member of TBC goes out there and gets others to join forces with us. We are a non-violent, and loving group of ACTIVISTS! I hope you can see passed the MONEY side of TBC and recognize its true value–the community. An acorn does not look like an Oak Tree, but it sure does become one, doesn’t it? Don’t look at what TBC is today, see what it will turn into when we get big enough. We are fighting to save our lives, our freedom, and we each have a purpose to fulfill as living men and living women. Our message here in TBC far exceeds the value of MONEY. Just open your eyes to see it!

The Billion Coin (TBC) never falls in price. It is decentralized to increase in price everyday until it reaches it's ultimate price of 1 TBC to 1,000,000,000 Euro. So you never need to worry about it's fallings. It is close to 3 million members as at today 15/03/2018. And all members agree to it's current price without any form of discounting it. All transactions above $500 will attract the TBC Commissioner so that one could provide prove of his transaction. Owners of TBC will be able to fulfill their dreams with a valuable cryptocurrency that never falls. Therefore, mining it is an excellent idea since it will keep rising without any market force pulling its price down. With time, its owners would become Millionaires. And this will reduce, or end abject poverty globally. We hope you understand the TBC mission.

For more information visit
SOURCE: TBC Admin from


Very interesting read. It is more likely than not that some of those coins out there are hogwash.

Affirmative. But if you and I join/own TBC, which only increases in value. And we reach about/close to a billion, then it would be a popular cryptocurrency that everyone would turn to. Especially, when other cryptocurrencies collapse. Then, we can all fulfil our dreams and not worry about losing money again.

What a great write up @aybeee

We thank you bros. But we would prefer you to take action too by registering with TBC

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