The Uncivilised War between Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash is caused by one thing.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

  But everything is about to change.

900 years ago, the Roman Emperor Markus Aurelias said; "An empire does not fall by invading enemies tearing down the gates. No, an empire can only fall if its people stop believing in it".
This is why I laughed when a friend of mine said , "the Government and the banks will destroy Bitcoin"
I replied: "The only thing that can destroy Bitcoin is Bitcoin itself"

The civil war between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is creating an environment of FUD . Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.
as well as an unhealthy rivalry. I even hear seasoned traders talking of Bitcoin possibly falling and Bitcoin Crash succeeding.  This shocked me because some of these traders I follow and I have a high respect for their trading knowledge.  But then I realised that these traders are young. They might understand the fibernacci code but they do not know so much about the human condition. They lack life experience. And real life does not always follow the fiberancci code.
I am not young, but I am not old either, and time has given me life experience in the area of how human-beings react when it comes to money. And what I have learned is that in certain circumstances, people who are normally logical, can throw logic out of the window and act irrationally.
This is why when Segwit2x was cancelled, the first thing I did was to buy thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoin Cash. My instincts about human nature  (and money) told me that Bitcoin Cash would have a sudden rally.
Now the thing is, I wrote about my thoughts on this on certain Crypto YouTube channels. However, the reaction I got shocked me. Ridicule and even scorning. Some comments were not nice at all: "fck off you Roger Ver lover" Now the thing is, it was clear to me that my comments were taken completely wrongly, for I was not saying that I wanted Bitcoin Cash to win, or to lose for that matter, all I was trying to say was that I believed that this was going to  happen and I was simply sharing because I wanted people to make a profit off the BCH rise.  
I was told - "the fibernacci code says differently" . Well it seems the fibernacci code has been temporarily flushed down the toilet.
Well as usual, I always do my own thing. My plan was to buy BCH, ride the Tzunami and then sell high and put my money back into Bitcoin again.
For as much as I knew BCH would rise and BTC would go down, I also knew that Bitcoin would : "come back with a vengeance" How did I know this?  Well because of Markus Aurelius.
Belief in Bitcoin goes deep and as long as this belief remains then it can not be destroyed.
And so when I wole up this morning ad saw BTC had risen again from the ashes I was not surprised.  
I have made a ton of money over this sega even though I would prefer it had not happened.
But I have learned a thing or two about money. It is often said that; "Money never sleeps". But there is another thing thing I have learned too. Money does not have an opinion either.

However, the days of Bitcoin dominance are numbered and the rise of alt coins are coming. Wh?

How do I know this, well again you can either laugh at me, ridicule me, or you can listen and take advantage because everything is about to change.
Here is why.
To explain this, first we must take a step back and see why Bitcoin, and now Bitcoin Cash, has so much power.
It is all to do with access to the outside world.
In order to get "in" to the cryptoSpace we usually have to buy Bitcoin. Once we have Bitcoin we can get into the exchanges and buy altcoins and trade them against Bitcoin etc.
If we have made a profit then we can either keep our "money" in the cryptoSpace, or take it out in to the "real" world of fiat money (dollars, pounds, yen, euro deutschmark). If we have bought alt coins: Dash, IOTA, Ethereum and so, on. then we mostly have to sell it for Bitcoin in order to get it out. Although this situation is improving, it is still pretty much dependant on the ecosystem built around Bitcoin. This has created a bottleNeck affect.

All this is about to change

In the very near future there is going to come a whole new wave of "crypto currency exchanges" in the crypto space that are being built to  make it far easier to get your money in and out.
In my opinion this is going to affect the dominance of Bitcoin.
I do NOT think Bitcoin will die, it will survive and become even bigger, not because it holds the keys, but because of its brand.
However, these new cryptoCurrency exchanges will, in affect, be giving a set of keys to the outside world to all the Alt coins so that they do not need to go through Bitcoin.
Here below is an example of the kind of cryptoCurrency exchanges I am talking about.

CryptoCurrency exchanges like this will change the state of the cryptoSpace in a dramatic way and cause a boom in the price of alt coins. I think we are on the cusp of new beginnings of a creating a type of world wide stockmarket style trading. Normal stockmarket trading is pretty much controlled by a handful of people. Even GoldmanS achs admit this. However, although we have seen some market manipulation over the Bitcoin Cash price, the cryptocurrency market is still pretty a free market.
It is the wild west out there.
And why do people like the wild west?
Well because it is exciting and fortunes can be made. 

I believe we are on the cusp of a new era in the CryptoSpace

lWith these new kind of cryptoCurrency exchanges (and did you also see that they will have zero trading fees) then the cryptoSpace is set to explode and so there has never been a better time to invest in crytpo-currencies.
For I do not think we will ever see these low prices ever again.
What should buy?
The best advice  I could give would be to ask yourself two questions:
1) What cryptocoin offers something that the future needs. Does it fulfil a need?
2) If you believe in the project.

I will finish by saying that this is all only my own opinion and not financial advice, so always do your own research and decide yourself. But I will say that I have a track record about such things and I always put my money where my mouth is.  However, if you disagree then please let me know and we can have an intelligent discussion over it.I am always open to expanding my knowledge so I can make better informed decisions.

To finish: I sincerely ask that you refrain from insults and mocking. Thank you.

 What I write is merely my own thoughts from my own life experience.
If you like what I post you are very welcome to follow my blog.
A friendly upvote is always appreciated and a resteem I see as a gift.

A warm welcome back in advance 


So why didn't you give me the heads up on this trade Arthur? LoL

When Segwit 2x didn't happen I thought for sure Bitcoin would go down. When it spiked up to 8000 I was thinking "WTF is going on here. This makes no sense!" Then it started going down and I was vindicated.

What I didn't forsee was BCH going up as much as it did.

Ha ha ha you know I think I will give the heads next time. I think I was so taken-aback from the reaction I got on forums for predicting the rise of Bitcoin Cash that I decided perhaps it was safer to keep my mouth shut.
I have a good feel for the crypto market it seems considering I read the situation right when os many so called experts got it wrong. The reason is not because I am any smarter than those guys but simply because prefer to keep politics out of the crypto world. Thats why I say that money does not have an opinion.
I once met Roger Ver years ago and from that I learned he was a powerful force of nature. He virtually built the entire Bitcoin ecosystem in Japan on his own. When I heard he was in Asia promoting Bitcoin Cash then I thought wow a Tzunami is on its way. I did write all this in Bitcoin forums and YouTube channels but as I say I was scorned and mocked. I made a lot of money out of the madness by simple being objective but they lost out simply because they made the whole thing into a war.
Good to hear from you my cat loving friend : )

It's all good. I try not to give trading advice because I don't want people complaining about losses. Sometimes they don't even follow your instructions and still get mad.

We all take responsibility for our own trades. Although I wouldn't complain to hear about potential opportunities once in awhile.

I think I might take a look at iota. It's been completely off my radar, there are just so many cryptocurrencies now.

IOTA is a solid bet. It is the Bitcoin of tomorrow in my opinion. I will be doing a post on that with some good news very soon.

Looks like the two of us made similar trades. Had a couple get hung up forever and then cancel out, but ignoring those I did very good with all the volatility.

I agree that a huge part of Bitcoins current success is due to it being used to access other coins. Was talking with my brother-inlaw about why he had less bitcoin then some other ones he had heavily invested in. Then he went down his list of alt coins he used his bitcoin on. Told him he needs to learn to rebalance things when he pulls large chunks out to buy new coins.

The whole it didn't follow the rules mentality is to funny. It makes me think of the absolute worst poker players in the world who think they should be the best because they know the stats on every hand and know exactly mathematically what they should do. Problem is the Human Factor when you are applying a mathematical formula to anything that humans touch.

That formula didn't factor in fear, greed, ignorance, arrogance, and so many other human factors that any person with Common Sense could see coming. I posted about some of the human factors when everyone was asking "why" is BCH rising. Post was basically outdated by the time I finished it as everything happened so fast but it pointed out how disenfranchised holders of BTC moved to their second best option.

Funny thing is I don't think many people realize the hash rate issues that happened. Sure prices dropped hard, but as it did the hash rate dropped faster as it became drastically more profitable to mine BCH. This could have been a disaster if some miners didn't keep mining BTC passing up on profits and actually mining at a loss or near a loss.

This is something BTC needs to fix and it has to do with the hard 2 week cycle of difficulty resetting. Have some thoughts on how to address this, but making change is hard.

Congratulations my good fellow - your stockmarket background and understanding of human nature paid off for you. Us older ones it seems made the smart moves while the young whizz kids became baffled why their fibonacci code failed them lol.
That was good advice you gave your brother-in-law.
Good point about the hash rate- I did hear BTC miners have now decided to their agenda on the lightning network forward. This is a good move as the transaction speeds need a kick in the ass.
I have also heard that Russia could be the next big place for mining farms. That could get very interesting.

If China actually cuts off the cheap power (story floated recently about it) that could drastically effect the total hash power out there. Anything that speeds up the transaction process without further centralizing the mining is a good thing. Centralization is the issue with taking the approach that increasing block size for the solution, larger the block size the more computing power needed and less people can afford the equipment needed to mine.

And yes I think experience (shh about the age has helped us make a trades that less experienced traders couldn't.

I just heard on the grapevine that the China story was a false flag - I expect Bitcoin to go up now gradually to $10,00 or even higher

That is a good thing if it was, otherwise we can expect higher transaction fees across the board for all Crypto. Processing power goes to the most profitable coin and if Bitcoin lost China's cheap electric it will effect all.

Absolutely - think if Africa decided to cover the deserts with solar panels they could run bitcoin farms for free

Up front investment makes solar not the best solution cost wise, but they do have the My brother inlaw is looking into wind turbines to power a grow house. Told him we can add mining to the location if he wants to up his power production. Sometimes the increased power doesn't add much cost with projects like that. The install of a small wind turbine vs larger one isn't much different.

Wow thats a great idea - the more people mining the healthier it is for the cryptospace in general Go for it I say.

@arthuradamson, you are the only person here who's posts about crypto I understand a bit as they are written for us not so into it, to understand them. Thank you, and keeping my crypto :)

Thank you @jungwatercolor, yes indeed, that is pretty much my intention with writing these crypto blogs - to try to give the information in a way that non-crytpo-non-technical people can understand what is going on so that they feel more involved and can perhaps make some extra money. Happy you got something from it.

I've been thinking the same, although I think the different bitcoins will all struggle and eventually fail, (probably not for a while though.)
Alts come along without bitcoin's tortured history, but with blockchain's credibility.
Bitcoin's value has always been based in it's utility relative to fiat; which hasn't changed.
It's already a dinosaur, it's just not quite as old and dysfunctional as fiat.

Well said @mattclarke, you hit the nail on the head there - thanks for the input

Excellent article. I hope you caught Dash when it went up. It reduced the fees by 10 times while BTC average fee tripled. All the problems regarding Bitcoin can be attributed to 2 main roots. No governance; thus forking and no self funded treasury;thus outside meddling. Also you can't have AeroSports team like Dash( or Sports teams like PIVX(

The Bitcoin community has also become very hostile and toxic. I've seen Dash being very friendly with Bitcoin Cash and I've even written about it. But Bitcoin community acts high and mighty while being technologically inferior. A brand name can only get you so far. Not many bother to think about Yahoo! these days. But it used to be the one who looked down on Google. What we saw with BTC and BCH is something that has been growing under the surface for a while. People are not complete morons. They are more like spineless cowards. When few cracks appear, they panic and go nuts.

Dash has finally woken up with its marketing too. They very accurately call Bitcoin: The Store of Drama. I think the main reason for current BTC price hikes is hype and bankers.

In the long run the coins with governance will do really well. Mainly I'm talking about Dash, PIVX and DPoS like steemit and the to be $100 coin EOS.

These 2 links may provide further insights to the matter:
Another bull run for BCH is definitely coming and you may notice some patterns since Aug 1st.

_pivx PIVX tweeted @ 01 Sep 2017 - 13:32 UTC

#PIVX Sponsors #NIKE Playarena League in Katowice,Poland #crypto #blockchain…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Wow, I 100% agree with my friend and on all points. Yes I have been a long term holder of DASH and believed in the project early one, although if I am honest I am becoming rather favourable to PIVX these days. I like their staking system. I made s lot of money out of the madness as I just kept calm and made rational decisions but it became too hot even for me in the end as it was difficult to keep up with the fluctuations. In the end the rational decision was to put all my liquid onto DASH. I wonder if many others came to the same decision and that is why the price rose.
Honestly I have no animosity towards Bitcoin Cash, if it fills a need then so bit it and if Asia love it then why not. Keep politics out of crypto is what I say,
BWT I also love EOS and have invested in it.
Great feedback and info my good fellow, appreciated : )

I'm pretty cool with BCH too:

And I agree that PIVX is getting my attention at some aspects. I don't know how refined their see-saw algorithm for staking and masternode reward split is. But it lacks simplicity of Dash. On the other hand Unlimited Treasury and burning the fees is just pure gold. So the treasury never runs out of money and even get more worth when network is burning enough fees to cause deflation.

From what I see here: I see lots of incentive for miners to allow the unconfirmed Tx to skyrocket as they would gain high fees from it. But PIVX method is fair, rational and superior.

Do some digging on NEM. It'll impress you too.

Yes, indeed it was the "simplicity" of DASH that attracted it to me in the beginning. I was actually rather skeptical of PIVX when they split from DASH but gradually began to what they were about - and it was this "fairness" that I liked a lot. For me personally I place high value on "fairness".

Regarding NEM
I have held NeM for a long time just waiting for it to "awaken" - I admit I have not done diligent research on NEM but I did do a quick study of which was obviously enough to impress me enough to buy it.
It is perhaps on time to look into it further - thanks for the link - I will dive straight into it- Cheers much appreciate your valuable input

Glad to help. Happy investing!

"But Bitcoin community acts high and mighty while being technologically inferior. A brand name can only get you so far."

Apple has gotten pretty far with this approach ;)

Joking aside I agree BTC needs to make some changes in it's tech or they will be a footnote in the story of Crypto.

Apple actually had other stuff to sell. Mainly the User Experience was unparalleled.Even when they had lower specs and higher prices, everything went smooth and they had new innovations like siri and a laptop you can carry in an envelop. They had a USP. Apple is becoming stagnant in their innovation and it will hurt them.

Still BTC will be more than a footnote as it began a full blown currency revolution. But it'll be like the Boston tea party. An event that kicked off other events. BTC is already too late to change. For the purpose of Digital-Cash I'm sticking with Dash, NEM, PIVX. I haven't looked too deep but Verge seems like a good pick too.

Any suggestions from you?

Thanks for this article Arthur, an interesting perspective and as you say "Money does not have an opinion either" or as I say money is neutral it is the intention of the person using it that determines the outcome.

I mostly have Bitcoin and have been thinking that maybe I should transfer to some other coins, especially as bitcoin fees are so high, I do feel this is going to put people off if they don't do something about this.

Have you checked out OMG? I love the concept of their wallet, including fiat with crypto all in one wallet, so needed, I'm sure this will be very popular. I have no idea of the technical side but I can see this is much needed.

I'm going to checkout Cobinhood now!
Re IOTA, I notice that it is low on the charts against bitcoin, whilst high against dollars - does this mean it's a good buy if you purchase with bitcoin or not?

Thanks for your posts, as others have said they are so easy to read and understand - most needed! :)

Hi Michelle, thanks for your kind words as usual. I so agree about "intention" regarding money.
Dont worry too much about the price against Bitcoin and dollars. It is early days with IOTA but it is going forward all the time. In the early days of Bitcoin it to time for ti to gain momentum but trust me, interest in IOTA is growing stronger everyday. I have just finished another post telling of their latest achievements. I think when you bought IOTA is it was about $0.38. At the time of writing this it is $0.61. It may fluctuate on Fridays as traders take out their profits but I cant see it going down much at all- It can only rise steadily from here.
Whenever it went below $0.40 I bought more. But now I think I will buy it if it falls below $.055.
I have heard good things about OMG so I think that is a good choice. You are becoming a smart investor : )

Hi Arthur, you're welcome, thanks for all the advice you share with us!

With Bitcoin and IOTA, I don't really understand the charts or exchanges, so my question is if I'm buying IOTA with bitcoin when the chart shows the rate of IOTA as low to bitcoin, am I getting a better deal than if I was buying in pounds?
So in this chart it's around $0.64 but bitcoin amount is showing $0.48 - not sure if I'm reading this right or not!

Yes I do agree there comes a point when it's only going to go up with a new coin, if it's good and I'm sure that is true of IOTA. I don't have any funds left to invest, I can only swap from bitcoin, but if bitcoin is high then that's ok as I'm getting more from it!

Great you've heard good about OMG. Thanks, I'm working to learn more! :)
The Cobinhood looks really good I was checking it out last night.

Im not sure exactly how you are reading the charts but either way I would always buy the lower price. Generally it is better to buy in Bitcoin as bitcoin is a deflationary currency whereas the dollar will always go down. But of course Bitcoin can go down but it will always be temporarily. Bitcoin it literally programmed to go up.

I was shocked this morning to see that you wrote the price s was $0.64 ha ha it seems my latest article has pushed the price up. I posted it all over the web last night - I did not expect that as I would have bought more IOTA before I posted it. I was silly there lol

I post a lot on IOTA forums and crypto forums and I am getting a name in the IOTA space for giving solid reliable information. Here the post:

I will be joining Cobinhood myself for sure.

Hmm sounds like I'm not reading them right then! I will have to search out a video on how to read charts and how the exchanges actually work!

Yes I'm sure you have been the reason for many to buy IOTA, perhaps you could let us know before you're going to rave about it and put the price up!!

I guess some will sell so it will come down again a little for us to buy again at a lower price?

Thanks for the link and information videos etc. Interesting new snippits of information, making everything else make more sense!

Is Cobinhood in some testing only phase? I've been on their website and can see that the coin is trading, but can't see how to buy it.

Thanks again for all the information, help and tips! :)

ha ha I will definitely warn before I post next time Michelle lol
I caught myself out this time lol
Had many on the forums thanking me for getting them to hold onto their IOTA - many were just about to sell and the price went up.
Generally Friday is a good day to buy because traders cash out their profits for the weekend. However Bitcoin is expected to have a big rise now - up to at least $10,000 or more so IOTA may go down again. But I would be shocked if it went below $0.55 ever again. IOTA is gathering solid "mature" investors who are in it for the long term so that means there will be good support for resistance.
Yeah Cobinhood is still in beta - I will give a call out when it goes live

Great to hear Arthur!
Now you know the effect you have the market! :)

I will ensure I check rates on Fridays. Actually, I'm pretty impressed because I've set up a spreadsheet of all the coins I have and the high and low rates & what I 1st bought at so I have more of an idea of what is a good price, because figures just fly through my mind and miss my brain!!

Thanks re Cobinhood and for shouting out when it's going to go live. I'll keep an eye out.

That reminds me of what I used to do that when I first started trading : )
I had sheets all over my wall and charts with arrows and all sorts - Im so used to it now that I have them all in my head - but I admit I do take screen shots to help me keep track. You keep those spread sheets Michelle good idea

My Dear Friend @arthuradamson, very nicely discussed reasons behind recent issue of war between Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash. Nice example of the saying Roman Emperor Markus,;

"An empire does not fall by invading enemies tearing down gates. No, an empire can only fall if it's people stop believing in it."

Same situation is now with Bitcoin and just creating FUD.
But I think always be positive think positive and hope for the best.
Thanks for sharing very well written valuable and helpful informative topic in your blog. I highly appreciate you for your efforts.

Thanks @rabeel and I also appreciate your feed back and support.
We are all in this brave new crypto world together and our aim should be for all of us to succeed and become financially wealthy and healthy. There is enough in this world for everyone, not just the top %1 rich.

fully agreed with your nice words. we always do our best for achieving any goal. Thanks a lot for supporting words.

Thank you for well written...concise...clear...non jargon...article...glad you made some money on the chaos...I panicked and bought BCC at a high...but...I won't dump it since I honestly can't say who will survive this battle and wanted to be prepared to own some of the final victor...

As you mention...its a whole new game now...not like it was in past with almost anything you bought was sure to I wrote in a recent article..."its just not fun anymore" terms of second sure isn't dull!

Thank you for that positve feedback my good fellow - and regarding your points - well said.
I understand your feelings well.
I think both BTC and BCH will find their own place in the market but their dominance will gradually lessen due to the Bitcoin brand being messed around with thus opening the door to other altcoins to get a better foothold. This is only the law of business evolution.
Have hope my friend, I think it is all set to become fun once again.
Buy a set six shooter guns lol
Good to hear from you @bobreedo - I will check put your article too

Appreciate the thoughts...what altcoins are you positioned in?

I am a big believer and investor in IOTA and I think it will be in the top five over the coming year of 2018. This baby is pure dynamite.
EOS is interesting so I have some of that-
I have had DASH for a long time and it has turned out well but I have doubts for its future. Its twin PVX is actually better but DASH has a better ecosystem.
In theory Sia coin should do well and it is cheap right now so have some of that.
I bought zcoin when it was under a dollar, interestingly not as an investment but because I just love the idea behind it - it is utterly untraceable and so could be used for one off transactions of big amounts.
I have my eye on a little known coin called QRL ( I think it is 118 on coinmarketcap)
I have a sneaky feeling this will suddenly pop up on the radar in the next year or so.
Of course we all hope the price of steem will rise. Personally I think they Steemit should introduce staking steem as I feel this would lock steem and thus help with scarcity and thus increase in value quicker. There is not much incentive to hold steem at the moment and it should be at least, I mean at least $2 by now. Something is not working.

Good analysis. I have also noticed all those same coins and invested in some of them.

Thanks much for the insights....

Wonderful knowledge about crypto currency and good description !

You are welcome

Excellent! Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts. Interesting and to my another kind of perspective which makes pretty much sense. I will follow your trace getting more inspirations like this one. Upvote & resteem.

Hey appreciate the positive feedback and the resteem
I will be regularly posting about news and insights in this exciting cryptospace
I send good karma back to you @quncho

Thank you so much!