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RE: I.O.T.A (Internet Of Things Awakens)

Hey what a wonderful reply @michellecarter : )
Yeah I am kind of well known in my circle of friends for being able to simplify complicated technical language. I think the world needs this. I mean not everyone is technically minded are they?
Actually, the genius folk behind IOTA also contacted me to tell my they loved one of my articles for the very reason you mentioned. They invited me to be part of their team of IOTA writers. I dont get paid or anything, but it is a kind of an honour I guess. It also means I can get inside information now and again..hush hush : )
I remember when I first read about Bitcoin in 2013. I was visiting friends for Christmas and I stumbled upon an article on Bitcoin. My technical mind understood it immediately and I began jumping around the room like a frog telling my friends that Bitcoin would change the world. Well I very rarely get so excited like that and so my friends almost called the psychiatrists to take me away in a straight jacket. I tried to explain why I was so excited but they jut did not get it.I realised that I had to break it down into simply terms so they could understand why I was so captured by this new form of money.
Bitcoin was valued at $12 dollars then. Anyways I explained it in simple terms but they still did not believe in it so they did not buy any Bitcoin. They are furious with themselves today.
Well just to say that when I found out about IOTA the same thing happened. I was in a bar with my friends this time. I began jumping around like a frog telling them that IOTA was going to be the Bitcoin of the future.
"Arthur´s gone crazy again" One of them said.
Well I have invested in IOTA but my friends so far have not. I hope they dont regret that too.
Autonomous cars will play a big part in the rise of IOTA because one will not be able to function without the other.
Very nice of you to say you like my style of writing : ) Gives me a warm feeling to hear such things especially when I love doing it.
I am more know for beng an artist I guess but like everyone, we have many sides to us. One side of me likes now technology and especially crypto currency. I basically write about what I love and simply wish to share with others what I love I guess. Simeple as that. That is why my blog is a mixture of art and cryptocurrency. Well wny not?
I will be doing more articles on IOTA breaking it down into simple terms so watch this space. : )


You're welcome Arthur!

I think I like your style of writing because you are writing from your heart and just sharing your passion, and you add in humour too, which I love! I do feel that people take in more when it is put across in a light hearted way.

You are definitely a great writer in my opinion! I will have to check out your art then if you that's your thing!

I'm in the 'don't like technology' group but have amazed myself this year my finding out about cryptocurrency, mining bitcoin, buying cryptocurrency, having 2 wallets and a hard wallet and then joining Steemit, so more cryptocurrency and another wallet!

I've did some checking of how to buy IOTA and didn't get to far, so where are you buying it from? It's not on the usual sites and in Exodus wallet, perhaps you drop a few hints to IOTA to get accepted by Exodus as it's so easy to transfer currency that way!

Do keep sharing the 'techie stuff' in easy to understand language, we need it!
Great to chat & I'll be watching out for more! :)

Thanx Michelle : ) . - wow I am impressed with you getting involved with crypto considering you are not a tech person. That is brilliant. It is actually what the Bitcoin community and the altcoin community really hope would happen, so you are a great success story for the crypto world. You will not be sorry either. It is often said that those who got involved now will be quite rich in ten years time.
At the moment you can only buy IOTA on Bitfinex trading platform. Bitfinex is known for having new altcoins while other more bigger platforms, such as Poloniex wait to see if the can last at least a year before they put them on.
I can certainly speak to IOTA and press them to make IOTA more easily available. In the mean time they are still very cheap and I think they will not rise for a while yet before they eventually explode.
I have put you in my follow list now so if there is any hot news I can let you know, but as I say I will be putting out regular info on IOTA.
Take Michelle, great chatting : ) - so many nice people here on Steemit seems too good to be true sometimes. : )

Well thank you Arthur! I'm pretty impressed too! I just kept feeling that banks weren't safe and I needed an alternative and got led to an article on blockchain and on from there.

Now what would be impressive is meaning understanding Bitfinex trading platform and actually buying some IOTA, because that site needs some serious instructions on how to use it!! So maybe a new post for you to do . . I feel confused just looking at it all!
& then there's the wallet issue too, my current wallets don't take it . . . oh getting quite a task this is!

Well thanks for putting me on your follow list, much appreciated & I look forward to reading more of your posts, hopefully about how to buy IOTA!

Great chatting to you also & yes there are some really lovely people here on Steemit, so great, I know what you mean! :)

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