Sylhet Hot Weather!!!


Our life is becoming miserable in the heat of the sun. It is not possible to get out of the house in the sunshine sunshine. Can not mind the work Continuous sweating. While sitting under the fan, the body is greyed out.

Well, what is the temperature of today?
Although at 37 degrees in mobile Looks like, but it seems to be more than that. If this condition is only 37 degrees, how will it be the heat of hell? Can the temperature of hell be measured on any celcius or calvin scale? Can not be. The heat of hell fire can not be measured on any scale of the world. Its intensity is so high that it can not be measured in the thermometer.

The minimum punishment of hell will be given to a pair of fire shoe. The heat of the shoe will be so much that the person's brain will be able to glaze. Tugbug will be done in such a way that the boiling water starts to tugbag. It will seem like seeing the man, there is no other than the toughest punishment. Yet his punishment is the lightest.

Narrated by Numan bin Bashir (ra). He said, "The Prophet (peace be upon him) said," Whoever is given the lightest punishment of the people of the Fire, will be put in a pair of fire shoes and linen. In the heat of both of these, the head of his head will be tugged like this, as the boiling water (water) becomes tugabag. He would have thought that there was no other than the toughest punishment. But his punishment is the lightest. "[1]

If someone gets punished more than that, what will be the situation? We ask the Qur'an to answer this question. Let's see what comes from the Quran.
The Qur'an says,
"They will be hot and hot in hot water. And in the shadows of fierce black smoke. Not too cool or not pleasant. Surely they were already in luxury. "[2]" Then O disbelievers! You must eat from the Zaqqum tree. Then you will fill the stomach with it. You will also drink hot hot water. Then you will drink it like thirsty camels. This will be their guest on the Day of Judgment. "[3]" Boiling water will be fed to them, so it will tear their pulse and frogs. "[4]" Their clothes will be covered with tar and fire, their faces will be covered. "[5]

"Then he will be pouring on his head boiling water. By which all that is in their stomach and their skin will be shaken. And for them there will be iron chariots. Every time they want to get out of it, they will be repaid. And they will be told to taste the pain of burning fire. "[6]" There they will cry and say, 'Our Lord!' Get us out Instead of doing what we used to do, we will do good deeds. "[7]" (Allah will say), did not I give you so much age, when someone could take education if they wanted to learn? And there came unto you a warner. So taste the torment. And there is no helper for the unjust. "[8]

"Surely hell is a secret trap. [9] "Then they will enter the blazing fire." Then it will be said, that is what you would deny. "[10]" They will last forever. "[11]" How evil is the returning place! "[12]" Then how can the hell bear the fire? " ]

What would be the depth of the terrible hell? The hell will be so deep that if a piece of stone is moved from the sky to the earth, it will reach the earth before it becomes hot. But if the stone is removed from the top of hell, it will take forty years to reach the bottom of Hell.

Once the Prophet (স) pointed towards an object to look like a skull. Sahabara looked at it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "If such a piece of stone is thrown from the sky to the earth, then it will reach the earth before it becomes a night." But the distance of the earth from the sky is five hundred years' road. On the other hand, if the piece of stone is released from the upper part of the shekel, then it will pass for forty years continuously for the past day and night. "[14]

We need to put the fan in the house to keep you from the heat, put the AC, put the best ventilation. But to survive from hell? What do I do to avoid the heat of hell? If you take a 5-ton AC AC at the time of death, you can be saved from the heat of Hell?

"O our Allah! We believe in you, so forgive our sins, and save us from the punishment of hell. "[15]

[1] The Messenger of the world, Hadith: 235
[2] Al-Waqiyah: verses 42-46.
[3] Al-Waqiyah: 51-55 verse.
[4] Muhammad: Verse 15.
[5] Ibrahim: 50 verse.
[6] Al-Haj: Verse 19-22
[7] Fatir: Verse 37.
[8] Fatir: 37 verse.
[9] An-Naba: verses 21-22
[10] Al-Mutaffifin: Verses 16-17
[11] Al-Mujadlah: Verse 17
[12] Al-Mulk: Verse 6
[13] Al-Baqarah: 175 verse.
[14] In the eyes of the messenger, the Hadith: 102
[15] Ali Imran: Verse 16

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