Has Venezuela innovated with the implementation of the petro cryptocurrency?
Will the petro be one of the most attractive cryptocurrencies in the world?
In a way, Venezuela has innovated with the implementation of the petro, as a new commercial tool. As many countries now Venezuela is part of cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, which are commercially interchangeable in the world since 2009.
Vice President Tareck El Aissami said: we are going to begin a historical journey that will allow the country to seize important resources, not only for the national economy, but also for solving problems directly to the people. This virtual currency backed by the wealth of gold, oil and diamonds of the country, has two modalities, the first of which is commercial finance, and the other large-scale mining for all miners involved.
The mandatary manta that were activated in the country virtual exchange houses, which are in trial period. President Maduro also informed that on January 14 there will be a meeting of cryptocurrency miners, in the same way the "WHITE PAPER" or Petro Birth Certificate will be presented.
Last Wednesday, President Nicolas Maduro signed the certification of the Ayacucho Block of the Orinoco Oil Belt, which has five billion barrels of oil, certified internationally, to support the petro cryptocurrency.
They mention that a petro's value will be equivalent to a barrel of oil, but suppose that in the future its price falls to $ 20.00 dollars a barrel, then the petro would also lose its purchasing power, as we know in previous years the barrel of oil came to be at $ 103 dollars and overnight its price went to the ground.
Now we just have to wait and see how the petro evolves.