CEDEX, why i took the risk, and looking to the future.
Hey all,
Not too long ago, whilst checking coin market cap on my portfolio's progress, i noticed a add appear and decided to check it out. CEDEX, "whats this all about" i wondered, so i took a look and one of the first things i watched was this youtube clip-
Right from the moment go, i knew that this is a major project with big visions, but with big visions comes a lot of work and that equals risk. I moved onto researching Cedex and the diamond industry and come to the conclusion that the team definitely has what it takes to get to their goal, and the traditional diamond industry, like other traditional industries needed change and would definitely benefit from this change. Turning Diamonds into a newly traded commodity creating a new asset class. High Risk, but high reward, in my opinion
So, with in mind that my female companion would be wanting a diamond soon in the future, i purchased Cedex at ICO, with a great bonus because i was keen and got in as soon as the ICO started. and was happy knowing that when the platfom was live, i would be able to purchase a beautiful stone which i could get set into a custom ring. what more could a girl ask for hey! i knew right from the start what i was getting into, and what i had planned and risks involved as like any crypto project - market movements, project setbacks, market sentiment etc, etc and with all that in mind i thought if theses guy can pull it off, its going to be a game changer. i was in for the long haul and started to look forward to Q4 2018. For me its was not about making a quick return.
I had started to forget about the project as i knew nothing much would happen until the release of the the platform, but as the year rolled on, market sentiment declined and people started to forget about the long term and started to get frustrated, not only with cedex but most projects around the cryptosphere. But not me. I had only put in what i would'nt miss, and with that on my mind, i was not worried about the short term, but concentrated myself to the bigger picture. Unfortunately not all have my views or thoughts, and a lot of negativity and agendas started to appear on cedex telegram about price and development. In my opinion this is where the cedex team have really risen to the occasion. Not letting the negativity affect them in the slightest and reminding people of the bigger picture.
To go further, cedex have put into action a more hands on approach of late to keep all the STRONG cedex supporters up to date and a more aggressive plan to bring more supporters and players to the project.
Like the majority of ICO’s, CEDEX put in a great deal of work into marketing its ICO (one of the adverts above), and we were pleased with the results, but once the ICO concluded we found ourselves in a sort of Vacuum in terms of marketing and community activities.
As most of you know — our platform is currently on pace to be released in Q4 of 2018, which is over 6 months removed from the conclusion of the ICO.
With such a long pause between major events, CEDEX made the conscious decision to focus on other aspects of the project mainly development, production, business ties Community development and so on.
But this does not mean we “forgot” about marketing, in recent months we’ve been recruiting a new head of marketing and we’re pleased to announce that we’ve found a candidate we feel is perfect for the position — Yonatan Hyman and we’re confident he will help CEDEX navigate the challenges of our marketing activities.
Keep in mind that CEDEX is essentially making an entirely new market from scratch, and to do that properly we have to educate not one but two worlds — we have to explain the benefits of cryptocurrencies to the diamond industry and show the cryptocurrency world why diamonds can be useful to them.
So we’ve started work on our education center to do just that, and we will also be dedicating more activities in explaining to our entire community why now is the best time to be part of the CEDEX Project.
The marketing plans that are being built are divided into different categories from coin marketing to the exchange marketing (supply & demand) and from Project marketing to Community driven marketing.
As you may already know, CEDEX recently went live on our first two exchanges — Coinhub and Exrates while Idex and Etherdelta provide a P2P option for those interested.
CEDEX’s planning called for a certain amount to be allocated towards exchange listings, so we decided on an approach that called for smaller exchanges early on.
Listing on major exchanges at this point would not be wise as the amounts they would charge us would be close to, or over our allotted budget and in some cases they reached nearly a quarter of the overall amount raised during the ICO.
Additionally — the CEDEX coin is, first and foremost — A utility coin, it is meant to support the entire financial ecosystem, a system which is not yet operational so the coin is, right now, speculative in nature — once it can be utilized — it’s value is likely to increase.
We firmly believe that as time passes, and the coin grows established in the market, specifically after the launch of the platform, we would be able to approach major exchanges with far better outcomes as far as cost goes.
It might also be worthwhile mentioning that come November major investors in CEDEX will have their initial lock-up period lapse, meaning that quite a few more coins will end up on various markets.
But we will not stop at these two initial exchanges — we are already in discussions with other exchanges and we plan on adding more in the weeks and months ahead.
At this time our preferences go towards the Decentralized Platforms rather then Centralized ones for reasons we are sure Cryptoniares will appreciate and understand the importance of, the Diamantaires between us will just have to take our word for until they are more well versed in the Crypto Space and fully understand it.
Japan is one of the markets CEDEX is focusing on, but we have a very tight and delicate rope to walk on as we do.
Current regulation prohibit us from aiming any marketing at Japanese citizens or residents, so if we want to insure that CEDEX has a future there, we must act legally and with patience.
We have also learned that Japanese authorities are expected to announce new guidelines within the next few weeks that may allow CEDEX to begin active operations in that country, so to that end we are working in full coordination with authorities and regulators in Japan to insure that CEDEX is fully compliant with all their demands and once we receive approval to become active there.
Coin related issues:
CEDEX realized quickly that one the biggest challenges would be the fact that a great deal of our community would be expecting results and returns in a time frame they are used to — which would not be very likely with CEDEX, as our plan is much more long term, so we must clarify our stance issues concerning the coin:
A lot of you question the fact that CEDEX has a 0 trade volume in exchanges despite trades actually being executed — the explanation is rather simple: in order for trade volume to be properly recorded, trades must exceed and maintain a certain threshold. For example — 100K over 24 hours.
Coin price drop — Obviously, many of you invested your money in CEDEX wanting to see a return, and while many of you are willing to wait, some of you are not — both of which are perfectly reasonable decisions.
With the CEDEX community in a state of vacuum and no real community based work being done to improve that status, it was only logical for the price of the coin to drop, however, that is all about to change.
We recently started to work on community development to help the CEDEX Project reach further than it could and would by traditional means ( Stay tuned for the latest in any of our communication channels! )
And one should also remember that the CEDEX Projects vision is a long term one, and our coin is a Utility Coin that at present time has no system to support it, this means that we take market behavior into account, and a price drop on the CEDEX coin was within our expectations — however by doing community activities in earnest we expect to see coin value starting to rise — besides that, once the platform goes live and major investors have their lockup periods elapse the market will have more coins and far more customers to purchase those coins.
We are CEDEX
If you happen to drop by our offices on any given day you will see over 50 people hard at work on product, marketing, business and Community development and many other aspects of the CEDEX Project.
We have crypto experts, financial market experts and diamond experts working side by side with programmers, QA personnel, graphic designers, and business and Community development specialists, all trying to achieve one goal — Success and prosperity to all parties involved with the CEDEX Project.
One has to understand that CEDEX has a long term vision and is sticking to it, CEDEX is not here to reap quick profits and be gone next year, and neither should you be.
The scope of the CEDEX project is very large and we think that at least some of you may be disappointed because they did not foresee such a long term investment when they decided to contribute to CEDEX.
To give you just a small example: the simplest of actions on our platform — uploading a diamond to the platform has many different levels of action — from the seller contacting one of our authorized dealers, to the insurance of the diamond, to the transportation of the diamond to a custodian and so on — every one of those steps has to be developed, coordinated, covered legally and in terms of regulation and so on.
As you can see — this is not a simple project to undertake and we are not taking it lightly, but one thing it is not — is a scam, and too many people have put in too much effort to let it be called that.
We invite all of you to join us on social media if you have any questions about this article or CEDEX in general and we hope to see you there!
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