The vaerospace Dollar -PEER TO PEER Electronic Money v$


The vaerospace Dollar -PEER TO PEER Electronic Money v$

A self contained currency that does not requires a blockchain , all transactions
and currency stored inside the currency folders on the local device , transactions
do not require a central server (p2p) and all verifications are by concensus and peer to peer
much like the torrent protocol and IPFS (interplanetary file system) no
elected custodians , and no "forking"

Electonic Cryptographic Exchange based on Real Assets

Civilisation revolves around the creation and exchange of value and information , co-operation
and communal morality . This is a far cry from our world today , this Currency Schema seeks to
be an Adult in a world of nacent Juvenile value systems. It is designed to dissalow
manipulation , Infitration , bullying and devolve maximun power to all holders without
stagnation or systematic "Hijacking" by groups or individuals.

The real inmplications of a true Peer 2 Peer currency revolves around Percieved and Real value of
Assets . Limitations and Group psychology implied are well understood . Many seek wealth and many
seek to scam the system . This system is "consensus" based . People seeking to bully or undermine
or manipulate this currency will find it not possible due to it's inherent design.

Bankers and Pools

In this schema , a banker is a self nominated holder of accrued value who holds and enables the
distribution of accrued value to all currency holders . Pools are stores of assets a Banker
who accepts the tendered asset is responsible for diseminating the accrued value , and recieves a
reward . The communal asset can be shared as reasonable sizes ie. minimum distrubution being
set by market imperitive and consensus amongst the bankers and Pool holders. Any holder can
blacklist a party in the scheema they deem Untrustworthy or Corrupt .

All purchases of this currency are broadcast to ALL HOLDERS and all Pool values are broadcast
to ALL CURRENCY HOLDERS. It is the IMPERITIVE of any currency holder to allow or dissallow transactions
with any party , this is how consensus works ...If you're dishonest , greedy or fraudulent
you simply will be ingnored .

Holders of this currency may choose how to recieve ACCRUED VALUE . this creates an
INCLUSIVE ENVIROMENT for systems that DEVOLVE (sub / parallel currencies) as well as
established systems . This is the reason for the creation of "POOLS" of input assets
and the need for arbitration of thier dispursement.

As multicurrency wallets are "de Jour" and free , this creates a wealth of opportunity for
savvy stakeholders , in fact the VaeroDollar wallet will be based on the open source
QT wallet if possible .

The Cryptocurrency -

Anyone can mint a VaerODollar , it's originator will forever be stored into it's hash value and
it's transction history can be stored locally by the holder. However for it to be accepted it
will be IMCUMBENT on the recipient of said unit(s) to ensure this currency has the accepted
community standard (ie the asset was equally distributed amongst the peers
, THAT IS , all valid Dollar Holders )

Essentially this is a pyramid in which all holders accrue wealth , and no one is left
holding the can . All holders of the currency will accrue wealth . Value and equity generated
by new buy-ins are distubuted equally , so as HOLDERS join they share equally for buy-ins , it
is only fair POOL admins and Bankers are rewarded for creating further equity in the system .

A transparent record of ALL Bankers and Pool holders activities will be HIGHLY DESIRABLE.

Merkle hashes and RSA keys

These very well known and trusted systems are currently in use globally , as the
units of currency can only be minted once and never be seperated or conglomerated
(added together) arbitrage will become a lucrative profession as is validation
in all cryptocurrencies.

This currency schema seeks to ADD VALUE by including information into the currencies
merkle hash value , and allow fresh keys on already minted Units . This is desirable
but it's practicality remains to be seen .

For a start on the alpha program , and RSA key will unlock the information stored on Hash Value
and the issuer of the currency (via consensus of trusted bankers or pool holders) may verify
it's authenticity.

This systen is in use already in the IPFS (interplanetary file system) and is viable.


Pegging the Dollar to the United States Dollar (and other currencies) and Minting Units
pegged to other commodities will create a LARGE TRADING ECOSYSTEM in which Units created
and pegged to the underlying asset class can be traded based on thier SPOT PRICE VALUE.
IE a VaeroGold Unit could trade differentially against a VaeOPound and create VAST SEA
of opprtunity to create wealth . As you can see a UNIT of value can be a VERY FUNGIBLE
DEVICE and UNITS could be create pegged to any asset you can Imagine.

This has never happend IN OUR WORLD.

So a UNIT with the Face Value of 1 is equal t0 1 % of the current SPOT PRICE value
of the underlying asset class. ie 50 VaerODollars = 50 US Dollar cents 0.50 USD

Here is THE RUB ... price fixing IS THE WAY MARKETS ARE MAIPULATED ...if you want to
buy or mint a unit and wish to do so at a price the system thinks is manipulative
they can reject your application , hence the VaerODollar is pegged to the USD and creates
a BASELINE of MEAN ACCEPTABLE EXCHANGE VALUE throughout the system , the puchase other
other asset backed classes can then fall into acceptable average deviations from spot price
and be valued against worldwide spot prices , but not absolutely . As the Minting information
and verification of any unit is COMMUNAL , any attempt to value bias , pump and dump ,
naked short or other questionable tactics will be short lived if not impossible.

If you are not on the up and up , no one will accept your unit. Non Dollar based crypto
will NOT BE DISPURSED and must be held by the verification pool until converted to
VaerODollar or cashed out . This would make paying in crypto currency the only real
viable option as using banks , would nullify the entire reason for a peer to peer

The New Network

To think that we ROB the Robber Barons in broad daylight , leveage thier wealth and
laugh in their faces is childish . The vaero$ is a far sighted initiative that see's
far past our current technical pardigm , to a technology based on ZPE / vortex technologies
that do not require wires , radio or conventional cabling and will nullify the need for
communications companies , who wield the power to simply shut down networks at the whim
of their political Masters (a brutal lot of human enslavers).

These technologies will be the next step in our evolution and enable worldwide trade
and communication without censorship or harrasment(red tape and taxation.

To be frank this system is a hijacking of the current Financial systems and is requiered
to make all humans free .

The Roadmap

Create alpha software... Not re-Inventing the Wheel

Creating software is VERY TIME CONSUMING , however much if not all the work in creating
similar schemes resides on the internet in places such as GITHUB . Building the basic
functionality for the vaero$ may take a weeks as it will be a seperate program running
on the commandline and will not reqquire user interaction , the GUI
wallet (gui = graphical user interface) will allow seamless use inside a wallet capable
of handeling and storing 1000's of crytocurrencies , all v$ processing will be done by
a compiled for a backend daemon for Unix / windows / mac and android .

The Unix system will be our base dev system , other platforms will be ported and may take
time to find the relevant people and skills.

As there are a literal plethora of languages to explore a final product may be years away
however the ingenuity and insight of others may get this snowball rolling faster than we can
so , if you like it run with it .

Victor van Renen

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.24
JST 0.034
BTC 96955.90
ETH 2675.59
SBD 0.63