The regulations for Bitcoin mining grow.

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago

Mining is the fundamental aspect of the operation of the Bitcoin network. The Bitcoin miners are the key figure of the Blockchain that support this and the existing cryptocurrencies. And no, they are not people, but machines. Bitcoin miners connect to the Bitcoin network as telephony operators, use their computers to receive transaction requests from the entire network and compile a list of valid transactions.

In this order of ideas, regulations have emerged in various countries regarding the use of Bitcoin mining, in light of the great increase in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which is why regulators and legislators consider that the time has come to introduce legislation and regulations that cover its use.

It should be considered that China is qualified as the largest mining center for Bitcoin, for this reason, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) several months ago officially banned trade based on the CNY (Chinese Yuan) and currently expands the repression to The national mining operations seized a total of 600 computers and other pieces of hardware in Tianjin.

In this sense, the investigations began after a policeman reported an unusual use of electricity in Tianjin, where it was evident that Bitcoin was extracted in considerable amounts with 600 mining units and several high-power fans. Authorities claim that this has been the biggest theft of energy for a while. Which has caused demotivation in the miners who have moved to other locations.

Similarly, the Central Bank of China maintains its position regarding a more stringent regulation of energy use to mine Bitcoin in the region.

On the other hand, cryptocurrency miners in South Korea could encounter difficulties in importing mining equipment, due to a resolution taken by the Government on the entry of this type of hardware into the country.

In this regard, the South Korean Customs Service (KCS) has included the cryptocurrency mining equipment manufactured abroad among the items that must comply with health and safety certifications before being able to enter legal to the Asian country.

Una de las primeras preocupaciones manifestadas por la agencia fue el alto consumo que generan los equipos de minería y los riesgos de incendio que podrían derivar de su uso.

Del mismo modo, la ciudad de Plattsburgh se ha convertido en la primera ciudad de los Estados Unidos en prohibir la minería de criptomonedas por los próximos 18 meses con la votación unánime del ayuntamiento. El objetivo de la Ley es considerar “las regulaciones antes de que las operaciones mineras de criptomonedas comerciales produzcan un cambio irreversible en el carácter y la dirección de la ciudad”.

En tal sentido, la minería de criptomonedas podría estar en riego tras las últimas regulaciones de los gobiernos por alto consumo eléctrico y evasión de impuestos de equipos mineros.


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