Agenda 2030 and the Crypto Space

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

Chipping and cataloging everything: every person, every animal, every plant, every mineral, every anything that exists, for the purpose of having complete control was and is the plan contained within Agenda 21 which has morphed into the UN 2030 Agenda. It was tied to the environmental movement that the controllers had hijacked and used to get people on board with it in a very sneaky way. Now it is being rumored that there is a takeover of cryptocurrencies on the way by the one world order's existing monetary monopoly paradigm that will facilitate ownership of everything and the cataloging of everything, just exactly as it was laid out in Agenda 21.

Let's first look at the commandeering of the environmental movement. That came to the forefront in 1992 with the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, set up by the UN, home of global governance, and supported by George Herbert Walker Bush. A book was produced on that summit, and the title of that book is Agenda 21. That's when all sorts or disinfo regarding the environment got sold as "settled science," as if there is such a thing, to get people all scared and up in arms over all the wrong things, to control them. Problem, reaction, solution was once again being used to usher the unsuspecting and well-meaning masses into the controllers' web of the poisonous internet of things thingy. That may be what we can expect in regard to their attempt to get people on board with their control grid style of blockchain technology. They will surely be whipping up the fear, and painting themselves as riding in on their white horses to save us, just as they did with their fake version of environmentalism.

Of course we need to live in harmony with our environment as we are all interlinked and interdependent on the health of all of life, but it has been weaponized against us and we must realize that and rail against such an insidious control weapon. We must also realize that this is how they operate, with everything, not just with the issue of the environment. The issue of the environment, rather their fake version of it, is very much tied into their attempt to take over the crypto world. Their stated goal seems to infer using it to own everything and catalog everything. At least it seems from the discussion in the video below that it could be perceived in that way. The big question is, can they succeed? It seems to me that even as surely as they can have their own block chain cryptos, so can the rest of us have ours. As long as we do not participate in theirs, then we will be successful.

We must NOT participate in their blockchain, or in ANY of their diabolical plans. Only participate in blockchains that are of love and freedom. We must NOT participate in ANY plans of complete control and bloody murder that these psychos plan. In fact, that is the only way their plans get carried out, through the participation of their blind followers. That is what gives "them" the illusion of being "big and all powerful" and it is what gives the illusion of "us" being small and impotent. In reality it is the other way around. "We" are big and "they" are puny in comparison, on so many levels, which can be another lengthy discussion. Their biggest fear is us coming into that realization. Participation in their agendas, all of them, is the thing that needs to stop to make their agendas stop.

And yes, there is an "us" and "them." The "us" are the people who want to live in freedom and harmony with one another. The "them" are those who seek to hold us down under their sick and evil, yes evil, control. Make no mistake about it. There is a "them" and "they" want you under their complete control. To them we are farm animals, and we have seen how they treat farm animals. To them we are a dispensable commodity. Psychopaths have no empathy, no caring beyond themselves. That is the way it is for now, imho, on this particular timeline. We may be all ONE on some level, but only among those who realize such a reality. In the interim, it is not the right thing to allow those who embrace dark forces to overtake those of love. All we have to do is not go along with it. Simple as that.

Am I fearful? Not in the least. I am happier and feeling more confident now than ever before in my life. I see that we are on the threshold of a new paradigm of freedom, health, and prosperity, and a lot of that has to do with blockchain technology. We get to witness and to participate in the genesis of it all by being part of the Steemit community and by taking part in cryptocurrencies. That is our ticket to freedom as I see it. It is forming before our very eyes. It is making its way into our lives as we speak. How exciting is that?

P.S. Owning and holding physical silver, gold, metals is also a good hedge against financial terrorism. :)

Hope you find the following video interesting and informative. I surely did.

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