Human Farming is Evil (Video/Article)

This video may be a bit deep for many of you watching it. It also, specifically identifies the evil perpetrated against the American people, yet this evil is worldwide and every country is guilty of human farming. Don’t confuse human farming with human trafficking which is also evil; human farming is what governments do in the name of the law. The people of this Earth have been enslaved, and the “Farmers” have cleverly convinced their “Livestock” (You and I) that we are free. Wake up people! “Human Farming” is not freedom; “Human Farming” is evil!

If you want true freedom, then as an individual you must stand up for freedom. TBC through its membership agreement, allows you the opportunity to fund your own freedom by uniting with others globally that want to fund their freedom too. When 1% of the global population have more wealth than the other 99% of the people globally combined, as is the case now in 2016, it allows this evil the strength to do anything it wishes to do without any real resistance. Evil left unchecked always results in death; and you have been marked to die a horrible and unnatural death at the hands of this monstrous evil. Are you as dumb as cattle? Are you going to be lead without any resistance, to your own destruction? Has the current system blinded you from seeing the truth? For your sake, I hope not!

There is a better way for humanity to go. As it has been said: “Know the truth; and the truth shall set you free.” Seek the truth and surely you shall find it. Help your fellow man to also know the truth. Understand that the 99% out number the 1%, and that is our power! We can peacefully unite without enticing violence. Violence never serves the 99%, it only serves the 1%. The ultimate answer to our deli-ma is love! We must do a better job at loving one another. Within love you can not find doubt, fear, or hate! When humanity gravitates towards love; it will shelter the homeless; it will feed the hungry; it will clothe the naked; and it will free the captive from bondage. Wealth has a purpose! Wealth should be used to lift all of humanity out of the misery it has only known. You do have the right to make an agreement; regardless of what country you are from, you were born with the right to make agreements. Your journey within the TBC community starts out with an agreement. The membership agreement of TBC will lead you to great wealth! Some of you will become Billionaires, and many of you will become Millionaires. While the price of TBC goes up effortlessly by design, your ability to sell TBC coins will require an effort from you. Buying TBC coins is the easy part of your personal wealth creation within this special community. You must possess a firm will to stand up for the Current Price of TBC all along its journey until each TBC coin is worth a Billion Euros. Collectively this community can spread wealth vi-rally throughout the entire world until its membership exceeds a billion members. At that point humanity can be freed from the shackles of human farming. Humanity can completely mature into a state of universal prosperity and abundance. This is as it should be! We were not meant to live in bondage. We each have a unique purpose and have each been given the gifts needed to fulfill that purpose. Participation within the TBC community is not forced, it is by invitation only. Yet, through active participation within the TBC community, we will each learn better how to love one another until there are no more poor and hungry among us. That is our mission! The TBC coins are simply a tool to teach us how to treat one another in a much better way.

Disbelief and fear, are the main things that hold you back from a world that is filled with joy and happiness. Practice being strong, show everyone that comes in contact with you love, and your reward will be a meaningful life! It may not be easy to take this journey, but I promise you it will be worth it!

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