I just bought a Camera with Bitcoin

in #cryptocurrencies6 years ago

I was talking with my neighbour about Bitcoin and he told me he was interested in it for quite a while but he did not really know how to get started.

I promised him to help him out to make his first investment and we will set up a wallet together.

I really love helping people in this regard to get them interested and help them get started.


I mentioned that I want to buy a camera and he said he has one he never uses...so now I have a camera and he a bit of bitcoin.

Everybody wins

I know it is not the best time to sell Bitcoin but I feel if we really want to have it as a currency we should use it when we can especially if we can show someone else the light.

steem dream.gif


this is great decision

I totally agree with you and think that the whole transaction was excellent for both sides. Nicely done.

I agree with friends, we must help neighbors and people in need, very good post friends, I upvote and resteem yes

really happy for you

what price did you buy the camera with bitcoin?
btw thanks for share ur activity

the current rate

congratz must of felt good

it really does :-)

Very well said.This is a nice way the more people will involve in crypto currency it will be tough for the enemies of crypto to stop it.Helping others is always good.Thank's for sharing.

It's a kinds of earning for you.You taught him about bit coin and he gave you a camera.That's very nice trading.Recently i also try to convince people to join crypto market whatever the coin is.Some day crypto will rule the world.Just stick to it and don't panic in this kinds of situation.@upvoted and resteemed

Never sell always hodle

Könnte eine win-win Situation sein. Aber Dein Nachbar gewinnt vielleicht sogar auf den 1. Blick mehr. Ist aber nicht weiter schlimm, weil man ja auch gerne hilft...
Und dann wirst Du dich freuen, weil du ihm geholfen hast. Er wird Dir sehr dankbar sein. Und es ist doch eine 1:1 Win-Win Situation.
(nur mal so ein Gedanke...)

Langfristig gewinnt er mehr aber da ich ja ohne Handy bin und das meine Kamera war ist das mehr als ok für mich.

Ausserdem ein sehr netter Mensch und wie du sagst man hilft gerne und vor allem wenn es darum geht Crypto zu verbreiten. (Ausserdem ist es so sehr viel einfacher für mich, da meine Kreditkarte abgelaufen ist und ich schwer an Fiat komme ;-) )

That is pretty damn cool! Private sales of stuff are always better! How is he going to store it? You guys going to do a hardware wallet??

We set him up an exodus wallet for now but he is gonna order a hardware wallet

Hell ya!! That’s awesome you got another individual involved in crypto!

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