Turning an old cellphone into an Electroneum miner.

IMG_1261 (2).JPG
I had this old busted cellphone in my filing cabinet for a year or two now. It's an old droid phone. Look at that busted old thing!
I have been learning about electroneum. I think it has potential. If you got an old cell phone you are not using why not turn it into an electroneum miner! I charged up the old phone and connected it to my wifi and downloaded the electroneum app and started mining. It's only for google play for now. Apple will be soon. If you have any old cell phone you no longer use put it to good use. Or your good phone. I think this is a wonderful project for people who can't afford to mine and live in places with runaway hyperinflation.
I let the miner work all day while I slept. (I sleep at day and work at night.) Then I got up and checked on the miner after a couple of hours and see that I already mined about 4.18 ETN! Right now Each ETN is about 0.02 as I type this. As you can see ETN has 117,394 miners on the network going. I believe this looks to be a good Crypto so far.
Thank you for reading!


sweet, thanks for this! I'm going to do it right now with my old android phone. awesome - thanks for sharing!

Get on this shit. Your miner doubles as a wallet. This project could be a very good project for mass adaption for ease of use. Here this will help you out. 25B9CB When you get your miner ready to go, you use my referal code. What this will do is it will increase your hashrate when I mine. I will continue to mine non stop till this phone quits working. You will get a feferal code too. You can Give it to sombody elese and help them too. I already used a referal code. I think You can only use one per account.
I have debated about buying a used cell phone off somebody to have another miner. Be careful don't used more than one miner per account because it may disable your miner. GOOD LUCK!
P.S. keep us updated on your experience.

You need to get in on this its easy as hell.

hah I bet its easy, looks simple. nah ill stick to GPUs, they are more efficient. Ill just mine other coins.


Haha yeah GPUs and FPGAs are the way to go.

I could mine but the electricity would be too much!

What state or country do you live in? My power is moderately priced in Georgia.

I live in the states in VA. I have no idea what my rate is.

эх... манны не хватает для голосов.

No, but its getting better. I am able to do more today than I was last few days.

That’s amazing, Cosmic. I guess we all survived the hard fork. U&R

Yes. We survived!
Thank you for your nice comment!

sweet , I am sure I have a old phone knocking about , still very wary about replying to people keeping checking that steemd page x

Try it and see if it works. Its free so why not. just know it takes a long time sometimes to mine. Keep me posted about it.
My steemit has improved a lot. I was able to reply and upvote some. Look my post already got .10 cents as I type this. That's a lot for me. So it seems to be doing better so far.
But of course, I have a 230. steem power. Which don't make no sense because my reputation level should be higher. I feel like I should be on 45 by now. Oh well. Enjoy your day.

trying to work it out too , hope you have a nice week x

howdy sir cosmiccrimes! ha! this thing actually works huh? How did you find out about this? great idea and great post!

It was on a youtube video. I think it's a great project for people who are less fortunate finically.

howdy this fine Tuesday sir cosmiccrimes! yes sir I agree. I think we have an old cell phone around here somewhere, I'll get Mrs. J on that project, she likes earning for free!

Try it out. Keep an update.

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