Trading and HODLing Tips

in #cryptocurency7 years ago


I found these tips on this website and I thought I should share.

Trading Plan example

Short Term / Day trade

  • No more than 2% total account balance on any one trade
  • Set stop losses at 7% below current price
  • Take profits at 10% gains
  • Trade high volume markets for profit from volatility
  • Slow and steady wins the race
  • Don't get caught up in the hype/FUD listen to yourself
  • Make sure you write down the pros cons of the trade
  • Never make a trade for the wrong reasons
  • Don't trade money you don't wanna loose

Long Term / Buy hold

  • Buy in 1,2,3 bottom formations
  • Make sure you never buy with money you don’t want to lose cause you will be to emotionally attached to the investment
  • Never panic sell
  • No more than 15% of your account balance on any one trade
  • The longer you can hold the better
  • Don't check on the graphs too often you might trick yourself into panic selling or buying.
  • Don't sell unless you have profit
  • Sell 80% of your position at 100% Gains

!!!Disclaimer by the author: This trading plan is a “Example/template” I have traded with these plans and had great success its important to customize it to your personal trading style though))!!!

Self control and trading plans / risk management is the most important thing in trading.


HODL and win in the future, patience win

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67808.66
ETH 3248.00
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67