Musing Over CryptoBots

in #cryptobots7 years ago (edited)

The idea of browser-based games linked to ETH is intriguing to me. It reminds me of the days I played EVE Online where I could develop a site, or do a little real world work on the side, in exchange for ISK in game. I don't believe there to be another game that has such a connection and translation to real money. Well, until now. Introducing CryptoKitties and CryptoBots.

I decided to throw a little bit of ETH towards CryptoBots tonight, and I can feel the urge to do more. For now, I've decided to start with 2 Gen 1 bots and start determining dominant and recessive traits. Will it even work like that? The FAQ sure seems to hint that it'll work that way. Could we eventually have designer bot manufacturers? There's a battling system that is a little too rich to enter for my blood right now, but it's a complete system out there that let's you potentially make ETH without mining.

For now, I've documented the traits that my two bots have and have manufactured a child with them. Out of 15 total traits between the two parents, only 3 traits are shared with their parents while another 3 were not found in either parent. I would assume that means the 3 not found are recessive? Heh, does it even work that way?

Traits Found In Parent 715 and 1183(not yet sure if dominant or recessive):
- Pills
- Suit
- Turbo

Traits Not Exhibited In Parents(so should mean recessive in either or both 715 and 1183):
- Exo
- Reptile
- Winged

I see there are some cryptobots out there with rocket launchers as arms. I really like that trait and I believe I want that to be able to make that.

Goal 1: Determine dominant/recessive traits from 715/1183
Goal 2: Produce money from offspring to acquire rocket launcher arms
Goal 3: Breed out 2 rocket arms so I can guarantee rocket arms each manufacturing. Become designer arms dealer. lol

Part 2

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62622.35
ETH 2442.15
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64