Whats Cryptobarons.io? + BIG GIVEAWAY
What is Cryptobarons?
It is the future of gaming, because it will be the first game based on Ethereum blockchain. People love to play games, and gaming in the blockchain is the future, so this token will be so valuable.
Currently 1 token is 0.12$ and soon they will launch the marketplace where you can buy assets. Make sure you will reserve your assets.
Also you can win some tokens doing bounties.
See what they announced last in their steemit account https://steemit.com/@cryptobarons
How to participate?
- Upvote + Resteem this post
- Use "cryptobarons" tag
- Content Must be original
- Article/blog must be at least 400 words
- Content can be in either English, Chinese, Korean or Russian
- Must include CryptoBarons Website, Telegram, Bitcointalk thread, Facebook and Twitter links in content
- You must have bitcointalk account
- You must have an Ethereum wallet (Metamask,myetherwallet)
- Detailed information is here
Rewarding will be spread by number of stakes based on your content.
Good Quality: 100 Stakes
Better Quality: 150 Stakes
Best Quality: 300 Stakes
How to join?
The whitepaper of Cryptobarons https://cryptobarons.io/assets/img/cryptobaronsWhitepaper.pdf
Other social medias:
Website: https://cryptobarons.io
Twitter https://twitter.com/crypto_barons
Telegram https://t.me/cryptobaronsgame
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzvIPOItU4EYtBQypnTsHOw
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Crypto-Barons-236824243530748/
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoBarons/
Discord https://discordapp.com/invite/rZx39DE
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4314798.0
The blockchain technology has shown great potential in lots of fields from
Finance to Supply Chain but it has also received significant interest in the
game development community after the first popular game to run on
Ethereum blockchain ‘Cryptokitties’ launched in 2017 and congested the
Ethereum network because of the high transaction volume. Cryptokitties
has proven to be a great success to certain extent because it showed how
easy acquisition, transfer and traceability of game assets (collectibles) can be
with the blockchain. It proved that Blockchain games based on the
collection, trading and ownership of virtual objects are commercially viable
and are able to attain significant popularity. Since then, several other
collectible games have been released; most of them lack what I’ll refer to as
digital interactive entertainment.
Apart from marketplace functionality, these games have not been able to
come close to sophisticated video gameplay which require PVP (Player
versus Player) interaction as seen in video games played on PC and other
game consoles. To some degree, this could be a result of the scalability issues
faced by the Ethereum network based on a limited number of transactions
that can be confirmed by a block within a time period. It can also be that
saving game data on the Ethereum blockchain is quite expensive as the
game gains more popularity, which limits the amount of save transactions
one can make on the network.
In order to create a game which can easily scale on the Ethereum Network,
whilst handling the high graphics image processing and transactions of a
traditional game, we integrated ThunderNet for decentralized storage while
designing CryptoBarons. Simple games are good but they have only proven
the concept of gaming on a decentralized network. Creating PVP games like
CryptoBarons with much more processing and storage need on a blockchain
will actually showcase the true potential of a decentralized application.
We believe that CryptoBarons will lead the future of gaming on the
Blockchain. Just as games developed rapidly and progressively from Tetris, to
8-bit, 16-bit and now high end graphics games, CryptoBarons is the game
changer and the beginning of a new dawn for gaming on the Blockchain.
This paper describes the rationale behind the design for the game and
reasons behind the methods we chose in our design.
Thank you!