DYDX and TON ChatGPT edited coingecko reviews

in #cryptolast year (edited)

Thinking about investing in dYdX (DYDX) crypto? Here's why it might interest you:

Price Movement: Over the past week, dYdX's price went up by 7.29%, which is better than most other cryptocurrencies.

Governance Token: DYDX is a token for the dYdX exchange system. If you've used it before, you can earn rewards. Token holders help make decisions about the system and get benefits.

Traders' Discounts: If you hold DYDX tokens, you might get discounts (up to 50%) on trading fees.

Growing Ecosystem: The project has a plan to support its growth through grants and more, decided by the token holders.

Available for Trading: You can buy and trade DYDX on different crypto exchanges like Bitget, Binance, and DigiFinex.

Comparative Performance: Compared to other cryptocurrencies, dYdX has been doing well recently, even though the price went down a bit today.

Community Opinion: Most people seem positive about dYdX today (83% bullish).

Keep in mind that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky. Make sure to do thorough research before making a decision.

Thinking about investing in Toncoin (TON) cryptocurrency? Here's what you might find interesting:

Recent Price Gain: TON's price has gone up by 9.58% in the last week, which is higher than many other cryptocurrencies.

Price Movement Today: The price of TON increased by 3.15% in the past 24 hours.

Where to Buy: You can buy and trade TON on various crypto exchanges like OKX, MEXC, and BingX.

Market Cap: TON's total value in the market is around $5.07 billion, and it's ranked 14th on CoinGecko.

Token Supply: There are about 3.4 billion TON tokens circulating, which affects its value.

All-Time Performance: TON's highest price was $5.29 (almost 2 years ago), and it's currently lower by 72.15%.

Community Sentiment: More than half of the users (52%) are feeling positive about TON today.

Fully Diluted Value: The potential maximum value of TON, if all tokens were in circulation, is estimated at $7.5 billion.

Comparative Performance: Compared to other Layer 1 (L1) cryptocurrencies, TON is performing well, even though the overall market is a bit down.

Remember that investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, so do your research before deciding.

Other assets worth mentioning due to recency:


Some random guy who's optimistic about Flux mentioned that their connection to AI is important to him. I wanted to add that they also have a project related to AI. However, I wouldn't consider investing in it. Its value dropped by a huge 60% in just one day. If you're comfortable with that kind of risk, you can give it a try, but it's not something I would do. When it comes to financial advice, it's important to recognize that tips can be unreliable. Conducting thorough research on your own often leads to more profitable outcomes than relying solely on others' suggestions. This holds especially true for crypto, where, if approached with careful risk management and probability calculations, it can offer a relatively clearer path compared to stocks.

Successful investing and trading, guided by these practices, are not akin to gambling or speculation, as some may misconstrue. These notions are often perpetuated by those who fear missing out on opportunities. While they might appear prosperous, they often struggle financially.

Rather than fixating solely on fiat currency, it's often wiser to maintain an active presence in the market. However, discussions on financial matters, particularly involving Bitcoin, can sometimes yield varied responses from women. This could be attributed to the subject's association with math and money, which lacks the familiar signal of the traditional dollar. Yet, this is where Bitcoin holds a significant edge.

While some men advise against educating women on financial matters, I've found that no woman has shown genuine interest in learning about Bitcoin. Their interruptions and disinterest stem from various factors. However, it's essential not to let such dismissals set the standard. It's unreasonable for anyone, regardless of gender, to dictate another person's level of education. Their wrong headed advice goes against The Bible's advice in the last 13 verses of Proverbs, and its description of "wisdom" as "female."

Verses on Wisdom being "female," (ChatGPT)

Proverbs 4:6-7 (NIV):

6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
love her, and she will watch over you.

7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom.
Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

It's not the women who are wrong, but they are both wrong, and the wrong women for these men, as well as most men. Of course, I don't say that to them, but I know their relationships will certainly not last, because they did not take the time to make sure this match fits the last 13 verses of Proverbs. I don't want to sound negative or overly fatalistic as certainly fate and free will are a mixture, and there is always hope. One guy said he made a rule with the gal about what they can't talk about it, and this was one of the things. Single men should continue to abstain from women who cannot understand or trust Bitcoin, because it's a failure of a fundamental trust test. The low-fi version of the fundamental trust test is that if they don't trust others and don't trust you, you cannot trust them. As soon as someone fails a trust test, move on. They are not who you think they are. That will save you decades. After a while, you know what type of person you are dealing with, and if you find yourself with someone who is simply not intelligent or willfully ignorant due to higher ideological callings, that person is not a capitalist, and therefore a danger to you as a man. On the other hand, if she respectfully listens and chooses to disagree, that is usually not a problem, so navigate the situation with judiciousness and not decisiveness. Be open minded, not conflict driven. No one believes me when I tell them how much yield my Bitcoin has made me. That's human nature. Some people conflate my race with Bitcoin and say I am a scam. I don't care. I know I'm a scientist. That's good enough for me. Other people's opinions are generally not your problem.

Here are those 13 verses (via ChatGPT):

10 A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.

11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.

12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.

13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.

14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.

15 She gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her female servants.

16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.

18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.

19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.

21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.

28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:

29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Again, guys, if the gal does not meet the Biblical criteria above, respectfully leave that person behind, because they are indeed either not good, or not good for you.

In the end, the approach can vary: you can choose to keep discussions about Bitcoin private, asserting your personal sovereignty. After all, it's not your responsibility to manage someone else's education, even if they suggest otherwise. On the other hand, most divorces are caused by either the man being in debt or overweight. So, those are things you do have control over, should take care of, and you can't blame someone for leaving you if they think you are not solvent, because you then represent a risk for them. That's totally understandable and you should make sure that's not the case, and if it's not but that's still what she thinks, let her leave. Who cares? If she leaves because she's wrong, she's saving you time, because she's also wrong for you. She can have a happy life working for Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton. However math is math, and we are talking about 5th grade math, so you can't be with a stupid person, because a person that stupid is not capitalist. I hate to put it that way, but we have to be honest.

Personally, I consider myself quite knowledgeable compared to many others in this field now. Still, it's such a wide and varied area that nobody can know everything. But I can see that the overall market is currently not performing well, which is generally when you want to get in. However because I am a bit on the conservative and prudent side, my suggestion would be to stay away from anything other than Bitcoin these days. Most assets have suffered significant losses, and there's potential for even more losses. I am saying this because let's say you get into Ethereum, and Bitcoin, and Biden keeps raising rates on you and it goes down, you might have noticed that when Bitcoin goes down, Ethereum also goes down much faster due to its smaller market cap. So volatility, and a downward falling knife pattern, are good reasons to reach for Bitcoin dominance. Bitcoin is the type of asset that can keep you from becoming homeless or starving. The other assets in the digital asset space do not share that acceptance and familiarity. They often have to be converted to another asset to use, hopefully in a manner mitigating fees (I use Stellar Lumens, Litecoin as consolidation exits to fiat so fees are mitigated, but there may be better strategies out there). On the larger market cap assets I have recently noticed that Ripple is moving faster than normal, again, and Kraken has it.

Maintaining your funds as cash in various accessible forms, such as savings, CDs, brokerage accounts, or exchange wallets, is a prudent choice that comes highly recommended. Cash serves as the essential foundation upon which your financial decisions are built. The notion of simply depositing money into a bank and letting it rest there should not be underestimated; this itself is a form of investment. Had you held cash in 2022, you beat most stocks and crypto due to Biden's fiddling with the economy. While it's acknowledged that some banks might not provide ideal services, it's important to recognize that this doesn't hold true for the majority of financial institutions. Banks hold a crucial role as intermediaries for transitioning between cryptocurrencies and traditional fiat currencies, making them indispensable components of financial operations. A lot of banks are about to go out of business, and some already have. This is normal in the US from time to time. It should remind you that they will become rare, and as their population decreases, your relationship with them is more precious. Not valuing your bank is a mistake. Banks are a tremendous resource for you.

The US dollar, often questioned amidst inflation concerns, remains remarkably stable in comparison to other global currencies. This stability is driven by the dollar's status as the least affected option amidst a spectrum of economic uncertainties. Contrary to misguided notions, it's unwise to anticipate the consensus-driven fluctuations governing Bitcoin to surpass the reliability of the Federal Reserve. While Bitcoin indeed has a dual role as both a currency and an investment, its inherent volatility significantly contrasts with the steady nature of the dollar. Analytical data consistently supports the notion that cash demonstrates resilience in comparison to investment ventures and trading exploits.

As we approach September and observe a resurgence of trading activity, an anticipated increase in market volatility is on the horizon, providing potential trading prospects. However, it's essential to be cautious and recognize that the unmatched stability offered by the US dollar remains an undeniable asset in the financial landscape. In a world where various opportunities vie for attention, the dollar stands as a reliable anchor against which to assess and navigate your financial strategies.

A couple of strategies I sometimes use is to use Coingecko's categories sections to get sector analysis and choosing the best one under the best performing asset sector, or going into cryptobubbles and changing the menu between Coinbase, and the top 100. I personally stay in the top 100 market caps, because they have the biggest spread, implying it's got the most room to grow. When you hit the top 200, 300, etc, the market caps are conflated, but there are certainly gems in the top 1000, so I would still look at all the drop down menus. I recommend having Bitcoin, Stable Coins, and Cash.

Stock guys keep mentioning NVDA to me. However, I prefer Bitcoin due to its fractional nature, and ease of investing. On the other hand, stock trading platforms are better set up for advanced trading. Since I am mostly just buying Bitcoin with no intention of ever selling, I just don't even bother to trade. My experience with trading cryptos is that the fees are so annoyingly high, that trading works better for me on stocks these days. However, every once in a while, I make an unusually large percentage amount on a very short hold of crypto, and thank you crypto bubbles for that! Other traders who have coached me said that with crypto, the fundamental unit is the weekly chart, and they place swing trades in the many week time frame. Personally, I lack that kind of patience and risk tolerance, however I have found amazing trades with much shorter time frames, but I don't find these every day, or even every week. Two that have fit my comfortable time frame have been FORT, a cybersecurity play, and MKR, an Seigniorage (money printing) Ethereum Token that backs a popular stable coin, called DAI, which is more or less pegged to the US dollar. Each asset has its own adventure story, and you have to learn its innate nature, if you want to keep racking up the stack.

For example, MKR has nice long reliable pumps due to its defi nature and larger market cap. This means I feel safer and more confident placing an entry if I find the pump in an early inning. So look for things like that.

I believe it was Nassim Nicholas Taleb (predicted COVID in 2007: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Swan:_The_Impact_of_the_Highly_Improbable - COVID is not a surprise, coincidence, or a black swan event, nor is it man made or planned. These are all lies made up by journalists.) who once tweeted that finance is basically just keeping a clear mind, not listening to stupid people, and looking for asymmetries in the data. This is also why people who are not sober do not make good traders or investors. It may not be evident, but over time it shows up as increased losses. It is simply untrue that tobacco, alcohol, and drugs do not effect your performance. Of course they do, and mostly negatively, which is why they are considered vices. They are obviously not nootropics. The importance of clarity of mind is also exemplified by Donald Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. both fairly impressive business leaders. The ad hominem attacks on the character of Donald Trump are ludicrous. They are purely contrived, and everyone knows it is a waste of tax dollars driven by some stupid vendetta happening between the Trumps and Bidens. Donald Trump has never had a sip of alcohol in his life, and none of his children have ever used drugs. Obviously Hunter Biden has shortcomings that I won't bother mentioning, but there is something very wrong with American leadership these days. I always tell people that I am against the current leadership, and I don't care, so I am going to say so. If they arrest me like Trump, I don't care. I met a guy once who had been to prison, and he told me he actually enjoyed it because he got free dental care, and gained weight while there. No one can possibly ever argue that there has ever been a moment during Donald Trump's entire Presidential reign where there was even a millisecond that he did not think clearly. Donald Trump is the greatest American President. It is an indisputable reality. No journalist can bury his success with straw man attacks. Many pointed out that you could wake that man up in the middle of the night, and he was sharp as a whip. Donald Trump is highly intelligent, very moral, and journalists of fake news are counting on the Dunning Kruger effect to smear his character, and it won't take. They are failing as newspapers. No sane company would advertise, for example, with The Wall Street Journal, or The Economist, both BS vending turd buckets of doggerel. Algorand ran an ad on Wall Street Journal, then went on to get smashed, so don't trust The Wall Street Journal, or you'll get rekt. You can however trust Donald Trump, and Elon Musk, because I have learned to never trade against them or the fed. If you simply follow Elon Musk trading his own stock Tesla, you would do really well. He is very transparent, and really good at making moves. Donald Trump is whip smart. I don't want to make it sound as though liberals are not smart, but they are smart in things that make everyone poor, which means if you read the above Proverb verses, you can't marry a liberal, so don't. This is why they are unable to form families, and simply eugenicize any community they are allowed to infest. It is critical to think critically, and develop analytical skills rather than being some BS vending, costless gesture addict, virtue signaling "influencer" who would never be entirely honest with you, but is somehow addicted to being right all the time. This is why people do no longer go to rip off college in America, because they don't want to pay for some rubbish that has a profoundly negative ROI. An entire armada of Marxist universities is not something Kamala or Obama would ever fix for Biden. It is not necessarily a bad idea for most intelligent people to begin skipping college, because those folks are no longer legitimate authorities except for a few fields. In fact, they are hired to make sure that you keep fearing Biden's inept and doomed-to-collapse stolen regime. They will always try to get you to fear the government, a government that can be taken over in a few hours? I personally saved pictures from January 6th, and sure enough they scrubbed them from the internet later, so this that type of a regime. Do not fear this incompetent government, because it would be un-American to not fight them, and I am confident that Americans would win against legislators, judges and Presidents who cannot even find their way off the stage, or up or down flights of stairs. If there is one thing that the patriotic heroes of January 6th proved, it was that even peacefully, the US government it totally inept, and a threat to Americans. This is a fraud nation, everyone knows that is why 1/3 to half the firms here are full of corrupt bozos, as Steve Jobs would correctly classify them.

Epictetus (2).jpg

I am sorry, but I am not going to lie to my audience. Donald Trump does not sugar coat the truth either. Donald Trump has sold NFT's. Melania Trump has sold NFT's. Meanwhile, the democrats are saying that they are against crypto because it hurts, "working class families." "Working class" is a Marxist propaganda term. Republicans instead say "working people." The fact that Trump is richer than Biden is not relevant, because Trump is vastly more relatable. Joe Biden is highly prejudiced and an ill tempered senile imbecile. Trump does not have any of those character flaws. Trump does not have any foibles. Trump is hated because he is correct, and I hate to tell the Trump Derangement Club that I work with everyday here in Oregon, unfortunately, I feel so sorry for y'all because y'all are going to lose so hard, and so bad, you won't even understand why you were clobbered. Trump is going to win, again. He is going to win simply because Joe Biden is a senile imbecile, and everything about America was way better when Trump was President. It's important to say this, because all you hear is an echo chamber of the same two or three fake news journalists. Remember the average American pays 30.5 % in taxes, so lose a days wages for every third day we work. That's why legislators and judges are mercilessly hunted by second amendment revolutionaries (Jan 6, I believe is indirectly derived from a prior forgotten group called The Tea Party, who were largely similar). The shear number of illegal immigrants brought into America, after an election is stolen, while the average American is taxed 30.5% is why Nancy Pelosi's household was attacked repeatedly. This larcenous government will die in carnage, and that's a biological reality literally written in the constitution. They will not walk away, because they won't have legs.

Furthermore, if Elizabeth Warren thinks working people are that stupid, why is she supporting them? She's implying that you can work without a 5th grade level of education. She is selling you a Sheila Jackson Lee lie! She is saying you are too stupid to invest. So she can talk down to them pejoratively like a Sheila Jackson Lee? If I were African American I would be extremely insulted by Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee. So far I have yet to meet an African American in America that is even aware that 100% of African American slaves were democrat, no Republican ever owned a slave, because they formed the party to abolish slavery.


Elizabeth Warren, and Maxine Waters do not understand that America is going to very violently fight them over Obamacare and Obamanomics, if it comes down to that. These are fake puppet leaders. They are not duly elected. They gerrymandered and rig elections with lawfare. Democrat legislators are going to be hurt. They are as racist as it gets, which again, is a communist propaganda termed coined by Nazi Era German "Scholars." It is both wrong, and anachronistic, to say for example, as many liberal democrats do in America that "Abraham Lincoln was racist." That's both stupid and presentism, imposing modernistic anachronistic values upon the past, and it's just as stupid as thinking you are smarter than Trump because you are on some lead filled vegan diet, or you are morally superior to The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) because you drive a Tesla. Presentism is a very common logical fallacy among liberals. This is the kind of logic they are using on the people, and telling them the insane lie, that Abraham Lincoln was racist. The word "racist" did not exist until the 1930's! Check Google N-gram viewer if you don't believe me. Fact check everything I ever say. It's important to understand liberal communist democrats use "stupid-language" because they think you are stupid.

Democrats are truly the very evil fraction of America. It's not stupidity, but something deliberate designed to collect the less intelligent into their funnel. On a daily basis, liberal morons try to convince me that Trump will lose, and I look at them like they are on drugs. They are crazy. They are stupid enough to believe journalists in a country with free speech. Victor Davis Hanson did argue that democrats were not always this evil, so my assertion may shock the clueless. Democrats, such as Mayor Ted Wheeler, and Ilhan Omar, are totally empowering all the shoplifting which has already taken out many family businesses. Republicans should start using vigilantism to mitigate shop lifting as a form of revenge. It is critical to assemble a body of criminal histories to permanently document the crimes of each democrat family. Is everyone a thief and on welfare under Biden? I am not blaming Biden directly, nor the entire democrat party. Instead, I am giving kudos to January 6th Trump supporters for taking the responsibility of attacking them with their God given rights. It's not just them either. Every country is having this issue of shoplifting with the leftos they have to deal with. It is evident that Americans are fighting the American Revolution against shoplifting Democrats and when we stop one of their shoplifters, they steal as team. The problem with Republicans recently was we were way too nice. I am arguing here, as Republicans, we must be way more violent. They are looters. There is no winning against looters and terrorists. You have to leave, and in a manner that allows you to continue fighting the next day. It's not a fixable problem, until violence is applied. Walmart left Portland, because democrats brought in thugs and thieves. Now democrats and liberals are robbing all the other small businesses. Donald Trump knows this. Under Donald Trump, Sandy Boulevard here, did not have totally naked open air prostitutes walking in broad daylight. Under Donald Trump, we did not have looters running out of the dollar stores all the time. Under Donald Trump people wore their masks and saved countless lives. Under Donald Trump several highly specific and effective vaccines were developed safely and expediently. Under Biden COVID erupted, and he ignored it. Donald Trump would literally have a meeting about only COVID every single day. Big difference! Under Donald Trump there was law and order. Under Donald Trump the police were happy. Under Donald Trump there were no new wars. Under Donald Trump there were The Abraham Accords, establishing middle east peace, and when Biden became President he stopped acknowledging it and an 11 day long war broke out. These are all very solid reasons to take Biden out, and Obama who is obviously his puppet master. I do not think Biden understand that his entire party is going to now face political violence at a scale we all know this moron government cannot handle. We all witnessed Afghanistan. We all witnessed Jan 6. There are high school children who can overthrow them.

Donald Trump is both honest and has integrity. I have yet to meet someone with Trump Derangement Syndrome that has actually bothered to read his best selling book "Art of The Deal," but they have read tons about Trump by journalists whose names they will never even be able to recall.

Donald Trump was presciently busy building a wall to border America well before COVID, and the avalanche of COVID infected illegal aliens Biden has sporulated America with. The illegal immigration that has taken place under Biden is one of the greatest attacks on American working people in all of American history, but you won't hear Elizabeth War-nut talk about that, will you? That's clarity, and it is critical to trading, business, medicine and some of the sciences. You will not be able to succeed without master your brain, because it requires a long term conviction, which requires some research and math. It's not a lot, and it is fun, but it is not for everyone.

Before the election of 2020, I reached out to many friends and personally asked them to support Trump. One of those guys said I was a "bad guy," for supporting Trump. Just remember, other people's definition of "good," is specifically designed to make you a Biden pratboy. Don't be good. It's a waste of time. Bad leaders are bad, and don't ever let them scare you, or threaten you. Fight them. On the other hand, most people are good most of the time, so generally the goal is save your boss time. There are times however, when you have a leader such as Biden, when you have to go out and just clobber the leader, because the leader is a thug enemy. Biden is a thug enemy. He is going to likely meet a very violent end, possibly his son, as well as his top democrat adversary, RFK Jr. who is an antivaxxer nutjob lawyer BS peddler. Democrat RFK Jr. is a clear example of a pathological imbecile who illustrates why his lineage is cut short so frequently. Biden has attacked Elon Musk saying he "spews lies," yet you don't find him saying that about RJK Jr. who is spreading obvious lies. That's how you know that, not just Biden, but the entire democrat operation is a team of thugs that we the American people will clobber, fearlessly, and violently if necessary.

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