Decrypting the Cyberdelic Revolution with Lorenzo Hagerty TPP126
In this episode I’m joined by one of my favorite podcast hosts Lorenzo Hagerty of the Psychedelic Salon podcast. A dear friend turned me on to the podcast back in 2008, I binge listened to catch up and have been on board ever since. Lorenzo’s endearing charm, sharp wit, and scathing critiques of the dominator culture all all of its systems have made me a big fan of the show. It was a great honor to be able to explore the depth of his personal life journey and discuss an array of crypto-anarchist and techno-shamanic histories and futures. Finally, we compare notes and speculate on some of Terrence Mckenna’s attitudes towards psychedelics and tantric spirituality.
After our discussion, I include a spoken word piece I recorded called “McKennisms” which is my reading of several of my favorite Terence Mckenna quotes from the many lectures on the Psychedelic Salon that I’ve taken notes on over the years.
Please visit and subscribe to the Psychedelic Salon here:
Check out his novel The Genesis Generation at:
About Lorenzo:
Lorenzo Hagerty is currently best known as the host of the Psychedelic Salon podcast. He came to podcasting through a circuitous route that included being a writer, keynote speaker, and Internet/e-Commerce consultant. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame and a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the University of Houston. His eclectic career also included being a sailing instructor, Naval officer, hot air balloon pilot, electrical engineer, and lawyer. In August of 2017 he celebrated his 75th birthday.
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I love Lorenzo's work and the Saloon!