4bg America's.com website and Bitfimix.com
I don't have any information about the website 4bgamerica.com. It's important to be cautious when visiting unfamiliar websites and to verify the authenticity of the website before entering personal or financial information. You can check the website's reviews, ratings, and feedback from other users or consult with experts or authorities to check if it is a legitimate website.
Heres what my account looks like but am never trying to deposit anything as till date i have not found anyone in every forum i have been to who could successfully testify they have made a withdrawal from this website. That's sketchy yes?. If they were real, there would have been even more solid reviews about it.
Why Does The Two Look Alike?.
In Sincerity i was able to know about the bitfimix.com website when a lady on telegram asked me to help her successfully withdraw from my account by sending funds to them. Then they wanted me to deposit about $170 for withdrawal activation fee. After much findings and trying to speak with the admins why funds transferred to me couldn't be withdrawn 9r without being asked for a withrawal activation fee,my account became frozen and could neither do any transfers to the funding individual or anything at all.
You want to be careful getting tricky gists in your email telling you "you've earned 5btc" in your account and more.
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