Monaco has been NoKiddingNapped! - Free Monaco!
The inside-story of the Monaco NoKiddingNapping
Thoughts are free!
I think what I want, and what delights me.
My thoughts freely flower.
My thoughts give me power!
My wish and desire, no one can deny me.
And so it always will be: Thoughts are free!
I think as I please, and this gives me pleasure.
My conscience decrees, this right I must treasure!
And so it always will be: Thoughts are free!
This statement claims responsibility for the NoKiddingNapping of ‘Monaco’.
It is hereby declared ‘Monaco’ is in its best health and comfortable surroundings.
No harm will be incurred by any party involved, if you proceed as instructed.
This NoKiddingNapping has triggered the infamous Stockholm Syndrome. Science knows this phenomenon occurs when the abducted party starts sympathizing with the abductor. But NoKiddingNapper is friendly, means no harm and will be referred to by the moniker, ‘NoKidding’ going forward.
To prove the the well-being of ‘Monaco’ we will provide the chance to witness a live conversation with ‘Monaco’:
“Excuse me! May I kindly request to be informed what this fuss is all about? I am a very small country by the beautiful mediterranean sea, with an actual prince. You can not kidnap that! This defies all logic!”
“Explain that a bit further please! What exactly are you that can not be NoKiddingNapped?”
“I am a palm tree! I am many giant yachts bobbing in the harbor! I am eternal sunshine! I am a famous race track! 1 out of 3 of me is a millionaire. I am the Cote d’Azur! I am a thought! I am a suggestion! I am a meaning! How can anyone believe to be able to own, hold, or in your case even kidnap that!”
“So, you say you are a meaning and thought, that is free and can not be kidnapped or owned by anyone whatsoever? Can your meaning be transferred onto anything? You could decide for yourself where you want to be and what to do at all times?”
“Of course, I am free! As a matter of fact I am very well respected too, and have connections to most people’s wealth in this world in some way or another.”
“What a brag you are! Were you not taught some modesty and humility?”
“Excuse my arrogance! Wait, are you saying you're not really kidnapping me? Then what is going on here?”
“You are being NokiddingNapped, do you get the pun now? I’m hoping we can be friends, and you can help me with a problem. What would you do if something as precious as ‘Monaco’ was once part of your life and then just disappeared?”
“I would try to find a way to be able to get it back and cherish it again. You sound sad, and this seems like a sad story! What happened? Do you feel like talking about it?”
“There is this gentleman KRIS MARSZALEK who stands for a really good idea which forms an important puzzle piece in the revolution currently hitting the ‘financial status quo’. It’s about FINANCIAL INCLUSION, and FREEDOM. This revolution is undeniable and you as ‘Monaco’ are one of the most affected by it! Kris named his Idea after you: ‘Monaco’. He wanted to be friends with you!
One day however, Kris’s and your followers were notified that we can no longer call this idea ‘Monaco’. You, dear ‘Monaco’, were removed just like that. All that’s left of you is your abbreviated MCO moniker, that makes me remember you every time I see it. I may however no longer call you ‘Monaco’. That makes me sad. I like you very much, all you stand for!”
In addition, almost everyone else is confused about why you were first with us and why and where you left to. Some people still call you by your abbreviated ‘MCO’ moniker’ when they are confused or need to explain why you are gone or just have no Idea that you are called ‘Monaco’.
“Really, that is so sad! I really, really want to help him, and all of you out! How about I just decide to come back voluntarily so this whole NoKiddingNapping thing can be over and everyone is happy?! Would you still like me? Where would I have to be? Is there anything I need to do?”
“Do you think coming back is possible? Of course we would like you back, silly! ‘Monaco’ and all you stand for is awesome. We will just call you by your name. Hang out with your meaning a bit. Give you some thought. There is nothing you have to do at all. Will you help us?”
“Yes I will help you, but I will have to do the talking now. You are way too weird, and your mystical talking is really hard to understand. Get some clear facts out now please!”
“After you vanished, the name appeared in your place. It is now abbreviated with the ‘CRO’ moniker.
We still have the abbreviated ‘MCO’ moniker as a reminder that you existed. There are these well-designed, really high end, metal payment cards they now call ‘MCO Card’ that are attached to the cryptocurrency wallet.”
"Alright, so here is what we are going to do. One by one in this order:
First we need to let everybody know that I am back by sharing this story. We will publish it and then distribute it on reddit and twitter. There have to be some visionaries out there that are free enough in their thoughts to understand that this stunt is unique, funny, and sexy.
Second thing is: We have to verify that you are right, and people do want ‘Monaco’ back. We do this by creating a reddit Poll.
If a simple majority of more than 50% want me back, we will go ahead and call this group the ‘League of Visionaries’. Our support! Then no one can stop us, as it is a democratic choice by those who see how major this move is. We are the power of the brand. This will go down in branding history.
The survey stays live, should the voting change at any point to the negative we will quit instantly.
Once confirmed the following will be ingrained in the mind and thoughts of those who dare to think free while talking about, or whipping out their Card:
Every time anyone pulls out, references or mentions the ‘MCO Card’ [mänəkō kärd] they should just:
The ‘MCO’ abbreviation just reminds them.
Members of the League of Visionaries will reference the [mänəkō kärd]
as: ‘*** Card’ going forward when writing. [mänəkō kärd] is in our free thoughts only, not written anywhere in order to not upset anyone else.
Lastly we will remind everyone who has not heard of this wild NoKiddingNapping and is still inadvertently using the term ‘MCO Card’ over and over again until everybody FEELS, THINKS and SAYS: [mänəkō kärd].
This will eliminate all confusion about ‘’, ‘MCO Card’, and ‘Monaco’ and give it a fun story.
If anyone ever asks why there is ‘Monaco’ in the first place within the ecosystem there is now a very simple answer:
Monaco was once part of us, as the meaning of it represents everything the [mänəkō kärd] stands for. After its disappearance, it was then NoKiddingNapped and a League of Visionaries voted to bring it back. By doing so they have proven their strength and that thoughts are truly free.
Now we just hold on to that and no one can ever break that bond.
This operation underlies and obeys the rulings of the Aragon Court, the world’s first digital jurisdiction. Everybody is encouraged to voice and make known any bad or wrong-doing, injustice, or any other harmful action perceived, or actually directed against, any party and specifically ‘Monaco’.