
Got this one too. Didn't open anything and noticed the multiple spellings of MyEtherWallet (My EthereWallet, MyEtherallet). Good post to alert everyone to these scams. Upvoted 100%.

I receive dozen of those mails. How do I check if it's fake?
Simple, I hover the link, and if it's mispelled, or goes directly over a mis-russian website, or anything stupid, like ... blockrchain or blockschain, it's easy to find out. Nice article by the way.
I might type a thumb rule in my blog for avoid phishing.

Well done, thanks for the information!

Some browsers will display urls that start with xn-- as Unicode. would be displayed in some browsers as myetherẇ Noitce the w has a dot on top of it.

Thanks for sharing, enjoy the vote!

Or don't and pay the price of the lessons the hard way. Your choice.

Absolutely! Thanks for sharing this info

Thanks for the alert. It’s amazing how crafty the bastards can be. I guess we have to assume all communications are suspect and and do some due diligence before opening. Bummer!

Nyc Post!! I lyk your Post!! Thnx for Sharing Useful Info!!

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