
Hey @rok-sivante!

Awww, you're actually the second person this week I came across who was expressing that roller coaster emotions caused by the crypto market.
I think you've got the right idea. Check up on it but stick to your guns. You know you made smart investments if it's growing *2 and *3. *10 in one month is just pure gambling.

Would you go to a casino and gamble your money? Or are you an investor?

No matter how much you think about the hype and pump-and-dump, you'll always be playing the odds. Some boats you will not be able to get on, unless you really want to stay at the computer, and keep refreshing that page, with all the charts open on 5 different computer screens.

And then your life will revolve around these markets.

I don't think that's what you want! You just want that nice condo in vancou, and you're gonna get it! And if you don't get that one, trust the Universe you will get an even better one!

As long as you are winning more than you're losing you are doing good in this game !

Anyway, just wanted to say I love you!

Here's another guy's video about the exact same thing you discussed in terms of the mood-swing raw emotionality of the markets! Maybe you will find solace in his calm, soothing words! Link here

Haha! Best of luck for all future investments though! You deserve it xx <3


A way to overcome the psychological aspects is to put in a fixed dollar amount periodically over a period of time so you don't have to worry about the timing.

yeah people need to zoom out and give their investments a macro-view

This is what my brother and I do. It really helps to calm nerves about it

Nice choice of words.
Been inspired by some of your posts since I started following .
This one really went well..
It's worth my focus indeed..
Thanks really..

I've only been investing for six months but recognize everything you're talking about. Thanks for articulating feelings that all traders eventually encounter. Forget "shoulda" and forge ahead.

Helo @rok-sivante.

I can not help but laugh after seeing the cat at the bottom of this post. Hahahaha 😂😂😂

People need more realistic expectations.

The few dollars in SBD that I've earned is the extent of my crypto holdings :( But on the bright side, it can only get better from here, right? ;)

Nice article. Good assessment of the dynamics of trading.

Cool cat, too.

You are so wright about this. Crypto has taken over my life in many ways. It's time to chill and reflect on what I have achieved in such short time.



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